AuctionData tool: the new mytwopecs?????

Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by dendricala, Apr 17, 2010.

  1. Hello I would like make official the beta test of a new tool: AuctionData. Inspired by the glorious mytwopecs, the AuctionData offer old and new tools to analyze the in game auction. Moreover it will help crafters and buyers to understand what is a good market value (MV) and how it evolves in game. But let it start.
    The first page of this new tool show you many options, the first two, search by name or browse will address you to your wished item information. Let try with breer p5(L)
    1) Do you search for a private or shop offer??
    2) MV based on 50 successful auctions and relative subcategories
    3) Fast view of many important values based on time
    4) Graphic view based on time


    Already here you can found some new: how much is successful this item??? For example the p5 are successful for 5-20%
    Let try with iron ingot:
    Here you can see some new and very important: how much is amount of this resource that people like to buy???? (Successful amount) .
    Another way to see the market value (based to 50 successful auction) is to use the browse. Let search for laser pistoler and press analyze:
    You will get an overview of all the laser pistoler:
    In the first page you will found the price of sweat, fruit and dung and then 3 totally new tools:
    Compare up to 10 Items
    Hotest Items
    Most Successful Items
    The first one will allow you to confront the market value of many items up to 10 (just select and add). You can use it in many way, for example if u need to buy a weapon with a damage between 50 and 60, you can confront all them and maybe choice the one with the lower market value. Another example, like crafter you need to set up a price according the market value of the resources, with this tool is very easy to do it. But also this tool is very useful to understand the relation between items. Let consider the breer P1a (L) and the necessary resource to craft it: how the analysis for 6 months show, there is a direct relation between the p1a(L) and the cumbriz price, and in effect the price of p1a(L) is independent of the market value of the other resources (and it s logical, cause the cumbriz has the higher MV).
    With the item compare tool, you can finally study the relation between the MV of the in game items.
    The next tool, Hottest Items, will allow you to compare the items with the biggest market value. Moreover you can sort the data based to MV, trend, number of offer etcetc (on the top)
    The next tool Most Successful Items will allow you to study what are the most wanted items in the universe (the successful ones) weekly, monthly etcetc based.
    If you sell, you want to sell some necessary for the community right???? Now you can finally see what people need. Also with this tool you can sort the data by MV, trend, number of offer etcetc

    Then we have the categories overview.
    Let try with the metal ingot:
    You can sort and look to many data, MV, trend etcetc, but for the resource probably the nicer one is the amount: people like to buy 1000 lysterium, 100 lanorium, 55 gazzurdite, 200 copper etcetc (monthly based) so why put more in auction and risk to pay fees for nothing?????
    Ofc those are just some of the possible uses for this tool, the only limitation is your imagination.
    At the end you can see the Global Economy Analysis, probably the best way to see how the Universe is going on. Buy and sell at the contrary of number of globals is a more independent variable. MA can increase or decrease the globals rate (maybe) but it cannot force anyone to buy or sell. This is some related to the game healthy, number of players, depositors etcetc. In our opinion is one of the best ways to analyze the game.
    Ofc this is still a beta test, mistakes and bugs for sure will be present, your inputs about will be more than welcome. Moreover we are building this tool for EU players, you and us, we really want make it useful, so don t be shy, we are here to realize your wishes.
    The EntropiaBay Team.

    Ps. The tool is running since many months but just since 2 months 24/7, so probably the older data are incomplete. Sorry for this. RSS and XML are available already.

    original post here
  2. thx for your suggestions :-)
  3. Zar

    Zar Nuthin but a Hound Dog

    Any time Den ;)
  4. luckelly some cool old soc mate around :-)
  5. despite the pictures in the first post disappear.......... we are continuing to expand the auctiondata features and database.
    You can found in Auctiondata a new categories oranization with XML to all the items and the Auctiondata and Entropiabay database were updated with the new mindforce and vehicles skills, and items.
    Take a look
  6. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    Hey Dendri :) the pictures disappear if you didn't upload them to the forum, but just posted them from another forum.

    You can also upload them on and then transfer the img codes from there.

    Good luck with it all :)
  7. thx for the info
  8. Hello

    little upgrade for AuctionData, since now under the graph of each item you can found a list of the real data of the last sold/unsold 50 items.

    little example here: - Save PEDs Play More
  9. little bumppppppp
  10. little bumpppppppp
  11. little bump
  12. Thorn

    Thorn Proud CND Baby

    Very cool! I used to love MyTwoPecs. It`s good to have another reference besides the actual auction for convenience.
  13. you welcome
  14. little bump?
  15. little bump
  16. since today we are gathring data from the whole auctions present in the universe, so from rocktropa, Calypso, nextIsland and arkadia more info here
  17. little bump
  18. Amber Knightley

    Amber Knightley I see dead people.

    Was it any different before? Was it only from Calypso or what? And why is that?
  19. because is just since one month (more or less) that the auction was divided by territories. We were gathering data from calypso auction and this was taking in consideration the whole auction from each corner of the universe. Since the auctions were slipted the calypso auction rappresent just the auctions in the calypso territory. So we redesign our tool to gathering data from the different territories. Now you can found in AuctionData the analysis of the whole auctions (calypso, arkadia, next island etcetc), soon we will allow you to analyze the data in a planet specific way. Like: how many auctions in arkadia? and in calypso, what the mv of this item on next island and in arkadia etcetc. I hope that those updates will help you to decide what to sell and buy nad trade in a planet specific way.
  20. Amber Knightley

    Amber Knightley I see dead people.

    Hmm, you make it sound as you gather data from the auction in the game it self?!
    I didn't think this was the case, especially since your data seems to be the same data as the one of

    I thought you guys only gathered data from the "Expiring Auction Items" page that is offered in the client loader.
    And that your data only reflects the things that show up there. Atm it seems as if this page isn't working which makes me even more confused :D

    It would be nice to know the exact source of the data you offer since one use it for gathering knowledge...
    Maybe add an about page to your site, I just read the current one and it says nothing really about the actual content of your site...
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