Feel free to contact me. Be it "after a nice chat", "out of nowhere" or for "having issues". Ofc avatar "AioDakina" (from the U.K.) knows the ring never showed up ingame / at auction house orders, because MA assigned the wrong rarity tag... ;) Hypnotyk wondered about it in 2015 already : Also in 2019 it was still confusing, but people havent forgotten about it : https://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/forums/showthread.php?308050-Ares-Ring-Adjusted
The fuck are they babbling about? The message clearly shows it's 68 PED. Why are they saying it probably had a TT of less than 50 peds?
Geee, if you got an item via email/private trade, please dont contact me, if you want to stay anonymous. Wont help much, but its still appreciated. Step forward instead ! :)