Only two days and....

Discussion in 'Greetings, Hello, Goodbye' started by stonythegreat, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. stonythegreat

    stonythegreat Man's best friend

    Well, I decided that this game is not for me. I don't have the time to do most activities that require time to make some sort of profit and don't have the money to spare to build up quick with brute force and then level out. Guess this means I'll have to move to another MMO that requires less time investment and less money. I love the concept of this game. I just wish it had went gold when I first started reading about it because at that time, I could sit around hours on end playing (16 hour days on WoW...sheesh).

    Well, sorry I couldn't stick around. If I did, I'd be to tempted to insert credit card and recieve eviction notice for not having money to pay bills each month. Trust me, it would happen. Well, have fun. Maybe I'll strike it rich and be able to buy my own planet or asteroid someday and have it be geared toward the players I want inhabiting my world and not a shrine to myself. (I doubt it, but it could happen) :shots:
  2. how is two days give you an understanding about this complicated game; looks like you have attention deficit syndrome... heh, try this game for a year, then you have a moral right to decide... well, i bid you farewell, bye!
  3. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    I bet you're more clever than lots of us who stayed for 5 years, cursed it, and the day we had the CC up for the first time ... OH Well ....

    I wish you best of luck :) Any other games you play? Feel free to tell about them :beerchug:
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