After 5+ years in game it would be awesome to explore the Universe, as you did when you first entered. It will never be the same, I know, but I wanted to explore it from the new Calypso Gateway also to see, what newcomers first impression will be from now. It is easy to visit Calypso Gateway because MindArk made it possible for you to go to whatever TP on main Calypso and in the drop down choose Calypso Gateway. But only for a limited period of time - so hurry, if you wish to see it - and it's FREE! I was met with bright light from the tp and the purple colors, not to talk about the signs everywere. Of course I felt a little bit dizzy and confused - afterall, this was also very new to me - just as it is to the newcomers, who arrive here. My force is, that I know the interacting system - where we have to remember, newcomers mostly don't. I looked around and the first thing which hit me was the space in the center. Huge windows give you the possibility to sneak peak out to the beautiful landscapes around the Gateway. The main Gateway Center is placed on an island with only the big sea around. You would feel quite alone and seperated from the rest of Calypso, but is also gives you a very nice and safe feeling. Maybe it doesn't surprice some of you, but the first thing I found was the bar and the lounge! Of course the bar was already visited by others, drinking Beer and coffee with a snack. Talking about weather and loot - and behind the bar you would find the actual lounge with it's nice leather sofas - a little retro 80'er - and with a fantastic view - and it really is a perfect place for newcomers to relax and reflect over all the new impressions! After having a Beer (make it two :-D ) I went back to the hall from which TP I first arrived and suddenly the place where packed with people. You would have thought now, that it was a lot of brand new people, who just joined the game? No, no - it was veterans! Old players visiting this very interesting place. Made me smile because somehow I mistakenly thought, I was the only one getting that splended idea! Calypso Gateway is an expanded version of the info center. You find desks were you meet different Office Officers - working as 'guides'. There's one for each profession; Crafting, mining, hunting etc. When you chat with them they will tell you a story about calypso, themselves, a problem - and you can achieve licenses to 'kill' :-D craft etc. One was really funny - the manufacture officer. You had to sign 5 different forms to get your licens! Humour is always a really nice thing when you make things like this, which can be boring to go through. And it is nice with the interaction you have in the Gateway. At the bar I also found a Veteran, who told me a story - you have to keep chatting with him though - and he will end up giving you 30 pecs of ammo ... There's a lot of chatting, a lot of stories - which is great, because it gives the game a lot more substance. I also found two cars standing as a 'show' or museum. I only needed some stuffed mobs like troxes to make the imagination of what to expect perfect (the idea is hereby given ;-) ). I tried the other Officers too and there are mission Officers who will give you some missions to do on the Gateway territory. This is really a nice feature for newcomers - and will make it so much easier to learn about the game quick. I walked around a little, when I noticed this little girl standing next to me. It said 'freelancer' and I figured she just started the game, so we start talking about the Gateway. Amanda Popped Jonnson is her name and she just started playing. Obviously she read about Entropia many years ago, when news were up about Deathifier buying Treasure Island - but back then she didn't have the money she thought it would require to have a decent game play in our Universe. Amanda told me she is an old 'gamer' and has been playing many different games - recently WoW. Now it was time to try out Entropia and she is very possitively surpriced about the Gateway and all the info you get there. "You get alot of info in here about the main things to do" Amanda told me, "But when you start to digg abit into the different things you find out they are not so small. There's millions of things to think about but it seems way more fun than I had in the previous games". Talking further we found out we had not only our love for games in common, but Amanda also met her husband in the game Dark Age Of Camelot, which is another medieval game. I asked Amanda what her next step would be, after exploring Calypso Gateway, and she said "I heard the next stop is Port Atlantis. Then I will probably roam abit. and look at the nice graphics :-) " - and I agree, the cryE is doing an awesome job with the graphics! Up here the view is really stunning and everything has been made down to every little detail. She would be interested in crafting and asked into how much it would require, but it all really depends on what goals you have in the game. We said "Bye and see you on Calypso", and I ran around a little to the different Officers, trying to understand mining, hunting and crafting... And I must say, that Hunting Officer was quite serious about the whole thing! At a point I saw a woman standing at a huge window. She looked formel and I walked up to her. "Hi, I'm Dr Melinda Clark", she told me - and she was obviousy a Zoological - tryging to collect fragments. I didn't dare telling her, that on Calypso she could get all the fragments she wanted, because they are very very common loot :-D Obviously she needed my help! I agreed to help the poor woman out getting her fragments - and ran out of the big opening - out to the new, exciting Island of Gateway Calypso ... To be continued (Part II)...
I can't believe you didn't "Orange up" for the occasion! ;) I popped in for a little look around last night in case I don't get time later. Thought it was great. Incidentally Lykke would I be right in thinking you need a new Graphics card? There are no shadows in that bar pic. Shame cause its really nice!
hehe nah, I didn't orange up thought i thought about it :D but I brought it for when I go 'hunting' in the wild... And no, I do have a new graphic cards, I even have new ram - I put the graphics on 'medium' in game, and then I can hardly move. And don't ask me why it is like that, because I have plenty of room on my pc despide heavy Adobe programes - but hey, nothing to do unfortunately! If I win the lotto I'm gonna get a new & better pc :D
Lykke, if you wouldnt mind PMing me the specs on your PC I might be able to tell you why the system is not responsive. Also what video card do you have? Ive been able to push this game up to High Res on an 8800 GT 512 Windows 7 system with only 2GB DDR800 RAM --- the processor though is a 2.8 GHz Athlon Dual Core. There are some memory checks you could run if your hardware beats that, to see if perhaps you got some bad RAM or a bad video card.