Incorrect. Nothing wrong with saying "Neomaven", it is his avatars name. "Neovixen" on the other hand is another matter.
MA started out having their own forum, but shut it down long ago. Since then other forums have filled the void. Along came Entropia Pioneers, then Entropia Forum, etc, etc.
trying to keep this on topic: gears start grinding when I see people starting to talk about conspiracies (example: a gets a hof and b starts spamming about how ma is favoring avatars and how....)
"Okay this is the deal. Calypto is spreading lies about me that I am you .Which I'm not ofc. Can you maybe say to me who you are or post something that clears my name because its being dragged through the mud now . Faye" Not sure if this is the rite place to post this but oh well, I suppose this will do. Im not Faye.
pm: I can offer you xxxx for your xxxx. me: Ok, thats low but ill accept it, where should we meet? pm: i might buy something different, how much more would it cost if you tierd it? me: about x amount i can check if you want pm: hurry i want to do this this week me: item is tiered pm: i dont have the ped will you take xx as part of the payment me: i can give you xx for your item so you will need xx more in ped pm: i dont have that much ped
Fact wink wankers! A: I think the loot system is based on x. B: Yes. And bit of Y ;) A thinks. B classifieds his own idiotic guess as fact and implies "i know more than you do" with the fucking wink emoticon.
You cant reason someone out of a position they didnt reason themselves into. In situations like that its better to just pick a random picture from here: your argument is invalid - Google-søk