This just got into my mind; What if skills like Reputation, Promoter rating, Mentor, etc. Influence the loot? K.
Then it would generate even more stress to the loot servers (and we know for sure that such servers already lag plenty of times).
u mean they are capable of programming that kind of stuff while they cant even make a bigger friendslist? :D
Than folks like Alice (mentor) & Oleg (promo rating) should be getting MUCH better loot than they are. Proof of concept = incorrect hypothesis. Please check your data and try again. (Wow, the tone of this post almost sounds like Immortal :D)
So far as I can tell, loot works like this, I'll use hunting as an example, I belive it is similar for the other main professions. Loot is random based on a weighted system. The weighting is based on skills, very "loosley" though. So, for example, if Lee (wimpy avatar) and Stryker (Ubber Avatar) are hunting Atrox, and the system generates a loot which is greater that 50 PED, Stryker will have a much greater chance of getting it. Say, Lee would get 25% over a period of time and Stryker 75% based on skills. I think the loots are generated by, for lack of a better term by the system, so a loot is generated at 2300 UTC, some avatar has to get it. It works like a Pachinco Machine from that point. Down the loot falls, through the higher lvl mobs, perhaps it falls to argos, now it falls through the hunting skills of people shooting them that are online. Starting at the most skilled and then continuing down. It will most likely fall to a higher skilled player, but not always. There are many ways this system could be manipulated, and still not break the basic system of loot distribution. Which is why, if you send a support case about loot, MA willl always say the loots are same same, no changes to the loot system have been made. Dats what I think So far as topic, Reputation will effect your skills, so yes it will matter, how much? That is one of the maniptulations I spoke of. That is controled by the loot monkeys. :D
They have changed it at least 4 times in mining And LeeYap I'm pretty sure that what you described would be count as gambling (better avatar skills bought more tickets to lottery, as opposed to better avatar has the chance to do more challenging stuff)
The reason "ubers" get more globals (and the secret of the loot system) is much simpler than you think, and has (almost) nothing to do w/ skills. They spend much more than you do. Example uber: DOA Foeripper+Evil amp Total decay+ammo = 33.766 pec/shot x 59 shots/min = 19.92 ped/min spent Example mid level hunter: Breer P5a(L)+A104 Total decay+ammo = 12.977 pec/shot x 52 shots/min = 6.75 ped/min spent The uber spends three times as much per minute in weapons alone. and we won't touch armor decay (Although we can say that is evened out by the low cost of some adj/imp/mod fap). So, pretend they both hunt Mob X. Say they fire their weapon half the time. Within just 1 hour the weapon spend is: Uber: 19.92x60/2= 597.60 ped spent Mid level: 6.75x60/2 = 202.50 ped spent So yes, ubers are more likely to get globals, but your reason for why was quite wrong. Unless you think someone using an opalo should get the same loot within 1 hour as the user of a DOA.
I concur with John, when I was running with the DOA Loudmouth+Dante it was a global and small HoF fest though it was highly uneconomical for me back then at the time ~ 55 hit/dmg.