I haven't found any reason to post any of my globals in a long long time, but today I actually have one :) I was hunting Molisks for a while, but loot sucked. So I Figured I would switch to Longtooths for a bit. Turned out to be a good thought, since this was my first kill: It contained 1 single item: A Modified LR32 (L), but that sure as heck is better than a kick in the gonads.
Pretty tasty! Congrats Peter! Loving the tags to this thread as well. *Strokes beard thoughtfully* Yes I often search the forums for "i r shoes", "omg loot!" and "wheez0rz". I mean, who doesn't?
Your first uber, in a long time? How about me never having had one or getting one ever LOL But seriously did you realy switch to longtooth at a pure whim? Lets just say I wish I had a proper weapon and peds, I would be out there goin at longtooths too, like the rest of the entire planetary population. Big Gratz on the jackpot. Enjoy it while it lasts. Suggestion, stay there and keep killing Longtooths for as long as you can do so, you will uber again. Or take on a eamon or two :)
Not really a whim. Everybody and their dog are globalling on Longtooth at the moment. That, and I figured I'd kill a few more for my mission. As for my gear, as you can see in the screenie, I'm really not wearing uber armour. In fact, I have a Shogun set (albeit, plated). The gun I used was an Isis HL6, which I looted from a tooth before while teaming with Lykke. It's slow, but it obviously gets the job done. I do believe I did not have an amp on there at the time of the uber. Typically, I'll have an A102 on my gun. As for a FAP, I use a Vivo UR-125 for big heals, and a SK-20 for regular inbetween. I have 165 HP or so, and am lvl 31 evader. That might help, but I doubt it puts me in a much better position than the next person. (don't pin me down on all the exact names. These are as I remember them from memory).
Thanks, but it really isn't a big deal. They do not hit that hard, and with the vivo a big heal saves me for a few more hits. It just takes forever to kill them, but then again, the cost is not as high either.
It is my belief that anyone with such an extraordinary avatar name needs to be on the hof list more often! Big grats!