What is your favorite weapon that you use?

Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by Digit, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. I love my MkII still. I have even been mocked by some idiot because i want to tier it up and enjoy hunting with it. The MkII allows me to hunt a range of mobs like Argo, Bery and Daki Stalkers, Longu, Hyriuu, drones, Molisk, and many more.
  2. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    Normally I use my delta/beast and have done that for years now. But as my skills get higher, I sometimes buy a limited weapon, and I really like the GeoTrem 46 Hemes :) With an amp it's nice and fast :D

    Years back I was swearing to swords ... sometimes I do miss that though. There's nothing like a sword-girl :D
  3. I use a Kilic Vass unL SIB sword. Damage is 40-80, attack rate is fast, and SIB allows me to get the full benefit while my character is still young. Sure I've been out of SIB on it for a while, but with it I can kill most mobs so there's little need to upgrade. Besides, its just sexy cruising around with a sword and hacking things to ribbons.

    Its a bit expensive but a few good HOFs take care of the costs for the month.
  4. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Maxed sib only, preferably unlimited sib like magyar has. Ive had fun at all levels with those types starting with ul s30, ul cb5, ul adjusted embra, ul bicak kek. I did an extended month+ camping trip with each of those and broke even or slight profit/loss each one at their prospective levels. Im kind of in limbo now though skilling blp so using the cheapest bl1000s or cb24s i can find.

    My next purchase will likely be an adjusted embra, or possibly a lvl ~20ish ul knife or sword, though Ive thought about a club or fist as well.

    I like skilling whatever im lowest in since its cheapest for my ped card.

  5. khaos

    khaos DnB'addict


    //too short
  6. This is an interesting question I think. I do have more than one favourite though, I don't really care about keeping to one sort of weapon, or trying to raise high levels in one huntingprofession. It all depends on what I am hunting.

    When I did the Merpmission, I used the SGA Opalo, as I found that weapon the best one to hunt them with. I wouldn't call it a grind, I did make a hunt out of it, as the goal was to enjoy it rather than grind them down as fast as possible.

    When I hunt Fouls I love using either my Masher One UL or my newly bought Scratcher One UL :)

    If I decide to go and hunt some Argos, I would use my Adj. Embra C1. I camped Argos with this sword for over a month earlier this year with good results (I was stupid to stop, I see that now. So I am currently working on building up my pedbalance to start again).

    The few times I decide to go and hunt something bigger, that requires some more power, I favour my Kilic Vass UL. I have had less than no luck with it, so it's left to dust down for a while, until it gets a grip! :D

    As Lykke said : There is nothing like a Swordgirl!

    - Freja
  7. I love my Marber Bravo, yesterday I decimated a herd of about 23 mixed Atrox, 1 by 1
    without getting swamped , and on team hunts with our newbies we can selectively
    train them, without them dying "too" quickly & often
  8. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

  9. Power fists or Power claws for sure :)

    (when I need to take on bigger mobs I love my trusty Karma Killer, as there is no ul brawler weapons to take on regen mobs :( )

    Just awaiting the day when i can loot my very own Power Claw Stabber or Cleaver (UL) to have fun with or a new version which I seriously hope someone will make...
    UL Power Fist weapons?

    does it show I dont like (L) crap? : D

    Except a girl with sharp Claws :p (nails)
  10. They will have to pry my Fusil Charade from my cold dead digital fingers...
  11. Love that weapon! Might have to get one again.....
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