EU World Boxing Championships - Draw, Results and Schedule

Discussion in 'Entropian Events' started by Oleg, Sep 19, 2010.

  1. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    Thanks for the update Oleg, much appreciated, and ... I will definitely be there. :)
  2. The Welterweight final is at 18:00 today, followed by the Middleweight semi at 23:30 followed by the final at 00:00.

    See you there :)
  3. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    I'll be there :)
  4. As of now this event is CARA approved!

    * The EntropiaPlanets branch of CARA -Calypso Animal
    Rights Activists- is examining and monitoring events
    taking place anywhere in the universe. For the case an
    event does not include killing aninmals or disturbing
    wildlife by detonations caused by mining CARA approves
    the event. If you think an event does qualify for CARA
    approval please leave CARA a visitor message (no pm!).
    • Like Like x 1
  5. This weekend's results:

    Welterweight Final
    Teeghan Tee Mitexi (Ouroboros) 0-8 Karl XII King Gollum (Pyrates of Calypso)

    Middleweight Semi-final
    2. Kayla Mystique Sinclair (Pyrates of Calypso) 0-5 Gallyon Luckycharm Sundstrand (Asylum)

    Middleweight Final
    Michael Mike Masters (cK Coat Killers) 1-8 Gallyon Luckycharm Sundstrand (Asylum)

    And finally, it's all over! I've updated all the results and the final soc championship scores in post 2. Grats to all the new champions and to WildD3amons for winning the soc title!

    The item prizes have already been awarded and I'll be in touch later this week to sort out the forum prizes etc.

    Thanks to everyone who took part in EUWBC 2010, to those who came along to watch and support, to our sponsors FPC, EntropiaPlanets and Globex Designs Inc, to MS9 for her radio coverage throughout the tournament, and to my Entropian Events colleague Rag whose assistance made things so much easier for me :)

    I hope to see you all again in EUWBC 2011!
  6. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    Congratulations to the winners ... it was truly an exciting season, and once again, it was a pleasure to provide radio coverage of the matches. You continue to do a superb job of organizing and producing this event Oleg, and your time and effort are immensely appreciated. It's crazy fun, and I can't wait for next year's event to see who's ready to move into yet higher-level divisions to take on the champs. And congratulations to the WildD3amons for the soc win. [​IMG]

    I will be doing an end-of-tournament article, but it most likely won't be posted until sometime on Wednesday.
  7. Great work to both Oleg and you MS9 for the fun, I'll definitely be back next year to take on the champs :)
  8. Did anyone see the match with Karl XII King Gollum?

    Did his opponent even hit him once?
  9. I missed all matches Sunday sadly :( but I'm sure he got to feel at least one hit hehe
  10. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    Just an update ... that the EUWBC article will most likely not be posted now until Friday sometime.

    My apologies, but I got caught up in an exclusive from Next Island, which is posted on the front page.

    Sometimes these things happen and you grab them when they're available. :bigsmile:

    It's the nature of the news reporting beast. :headbang:
  11. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    Will be working on the end of tournament article later on. Will post the winners pics with names, etc., and do a little write-up. I had to get out there today and capture the Steel Birds first. [​IMG]

    When news is hot, we try to stay on it. [​IMG]
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