10.1 MF TP only Update Thoughts

Discussion in 'The Black Hole' started by Stave, Oct 1, 2009.

  1. Stave

    Stave Guest

    So the latest news is that Mindforce TPs will be back October 6th only with the rest of VU10.1 following 2 weeks later.

    Where this is all good and well, as well there will be no Sweating Feature, nothing for new players to do to get started.

    Well initially until sweating or a similar feature returns whats left of the existing sweat the price will rise, but will soon run out causing the price of ME to rise due to low demand.

    Yes i agree that it might be all good and well having it back earlier but at the end of the day, anyone that has joined eu after VU10 has nothing to do other than deposit.

    This Complete lack of interest of bringing anything to the current update for new players is my only issue with vu10 so far.

    TBH until a vital gameplay feature like sweating is implemented i think the ability to join the game should be disabled, there is no point anyone joining Calypso until it is Fully Implemented again.

    And yet MA/FPC still dont consider it to be any kind of Beta or Closed Beta, when imo it is Closed beta and the fact that its not official just harms Planet Calypso's rep, Noone can leave the game and no one can join the game without giving MA access to their bank from day one. I mean at the least they could put up a warning message explaining this so that anyone that does join understands, its not that hard.

    This is the one main issue i have with VU10 so far and tbh due to that i have lost all hope of FPC being any different to MA, putting aside that their infamous messy coding is still there.

    This is just something i decided i wanted to get out in the open. Right now this complete disregard for the new player to me is unacceptable.

    Not only because i love the concept of Entropia Universe and everything it used to stand for but the fact that i lead a service called Entropia Tour Agency, have any of you thought of the long term damage this could do to Calypso's population as a whole? whats to say any of the new players that was lost will ever return?

    How can a base my service on a planet where the planet partner shows no respect for my main Client?

    but like i said, i just felt i needed to get this out in the open.

  2. aridash

    aridash large throbbing member

    no point joining until sweatings back? theres still a massive world to explore, and it just means those joining will have to deposit. really it means the "free trail" is currently unavailable.

    as for the whole "beta" thing, its was utter shit the firs week or two, but as of about 10.0.3/4 its been as stable and glitch free as it was a couple of years ago and far better than after the Physx debacle.
  3. Stave

    Stave Guest

    Well for many people that join exploring wont be enough to capture their attention untill some kind of gameplay for noobs to explore is back, for those that wont depo its no more than a virtual 3D world. Not what entropia is about

    And it has never been free trial, i know people that pirely play on sweating 100% free and have done for many years, some trial eh?

    Another Point, whare exactly does it offically say that the free option is unavailable? At The Least there should be a clear message on the main website stating this.

    As for why i consider it Closed Beta, its not the bugs, but the fact that it is not fully implemented yet, most of the old features have not returned yet and most importantly of all Nobody can join the game as its was designed to do, to at least try for free, most people that join wont start depositing from the moment they log on, personally if i logged on now first time ever i would think, What? im not paying real money, it was the process of sweating that made me get sucked into the game and realize why its worth depositing spare money in-game to play. And on the other end, noone can sell up and leave either.

    In conclusion, no one can enter or leave unless they pay. Compare that to the old calypso and it seems pretty much closed to me.

    EU is not fully back until every last feature the old version had returns, and the fact that yes there may not by much PR but on the out side on the website it is show as a Real Cash Economy whare you can "Play for free" when the sad sad truth is its not yet.

    You cant expect new members of the game to look through every VU10 and above news article or visit the forums to realize this.

    They will log on, find out atm you cant play for free to see what its about and log off, that or give it a go find out its as boring as hell as there's shit all to do log off and spread bad reputation if any at all about planet calypso.

    And tbh i am shocked and surprised that its been let to get like this. To the point that when planets are opened i will be looking for a new planet to base my service from, a planet that accutally gives a damn about new players when it counts, then expand to other planets from there.
  4. aridash

    aridash large throbbing member

    wont be enough? and sweating was? i'm not sure what noob gameplay there was before, its 4 years since i was freshly revived in Troy, but as far as i can tell, apart from sweating, theres no difference for the noobs. they dont have tp chips, apartments, shops, pets or other things not yet reimplemented. they dont know anything to be missing and would be involved in such stuff for first months. you can still "play for free"... not sure how you bootstrap up without begging, so lets call it "login and chat for free" :naughty:
    Those noobs logging off bored or because they cant sweat would have lasted a couple of days or week anyway so have we lost much? :dunno:

    as for the "beta", that supposed to describe the expected stablity, not the richness of the features. the features implemented are, as said after a stuttering start to VU10, all working as far as i can tell and server crashes/CTDs are rare or no more than prior to VU10.

    and i would hold out much hope for other planets being any different, same underlying engine, same developers, same channels to go through to resolve issues. it will just look different.
  5. When I first started playing 4.75 years ago, I tried sweating 1 time got 12 sweat after 30 minutes and have not really sweated again. I started out at Camp Echidna and how the agro range on mobs was back then it was a tough place tog et out of but I did with out never shooting anything. I spent 1-2 months just running around getting tps and exploring, didnt deposit or anything. After I got to know the game real well is when I started to deposit and go hunting and mining. If a new play is just coming in and looking for a way to make peds free then I see no reaon why they cant wait a few till everything is fully updated again as scheduled by MA. The game is still free to play. There is just a few restrictions at the moment and they will have to be inventive in ways to make peds like others did back in the day by being a mob decoy or a free agent to hepl other sell items and get a small commision on deals and such.
  6. Stave

    Stave Guest

    No way to get ped to buy their first gun/mining tool. i know of people that purely fund their hunting/mining from sweat/fruit/stones so yes it will be very different. No system in place what so ever to get anyone started playing.
  7. Stave

    Stave Guest

    i agree sweating never was perfect, i only did afew days of it myself. i just feel at the least there ought to be a clear message at sign up explaing that its not fully implimented yet and no official way to get ped

  8. Chopper

    Chopper Sanctuary

    I had a similar experience, but it wasn't until after a week when I thought I had a real accomplishment with 1k and stood in PA and then got the shocker when I saw what a weeks worth of work got me.
    I deposited the next day.
  9. My view/experience hasn't been mentioned yet, and i think it's more iportant than sweating for peds ever was...not due to it being my view but because if I deposit and don't sweat and enjoy it...then new guys will too?

    ys probably do too?

    Sweat camp, who visits there? It's not just new guys sweating is it?
    A few people that I see most visits I make are Fishface and Mega...hardly n00bs IMHO.

    These people, and many others visit to skill and to help out the new guys, the new guys go there for sweat but also to socialise and learn from the other guys who visit.

    I wonder how many people look in storage and find it full of low level armour and guns after a while ...grab them all and head off to find a few newbies to donate them to...where is best to do that? Swamp camp obviously.

    I'm really disappointed that the VU updates aren't close to the timetable or content announced..and although the game runs better now it's a huge step backwards in both game enjoyment and trust for me.

    Some of the people who mainly logged in to hang around SC and enjoy time with their new ingame friends must be sadly missing something to do now, and the ones who join now will miss that important place and all that free advice that was so easy to get there.

    I think mosy people joining now wouldn't think too much about depositing a few dollars to do something ingame, but the social side of this lack of sweating may leave them out alone in the cold and thinking what the fuss is about. Being a n00b among 20 other noobs isn't so bad...beng a lost n00b all alone ltrying to learn the ropes isn't half as good...I know because that's what I did defore SC existed. It was a great addition.

    Teaming also helped new guys...as an extreme example they could join the opalo hunts and have a ball, teaming just a few OJs gives them much more scope for fun though...and that also is missing badly now.

    MA always said that EU was a social networking platform among other things...the first steps in strating to use it as such are missing right now..

  10. Stave

    Stave Guest

    Yes, i agree with you there Trimmer, because that whole social side is missing to me EU feels empty atm, i do miss hanging around SC, used to bring my radio show there and neas and give away stuff.

    Without all that you mentioned its a completely different game in some ways.

    And even still with all this missing instead of saying one word about the future of sweating or a similar task, they avoid the question and talk about other stuff instead. You know i don't think Marco and pals have said a word on sweating other than it wont be in 10.1.
  11. Wed

    Wed The one and only...

    I agree with Timmers, the social scen that swamp camp was pre vu 10 was really important, and i think, is dearly missed by alot of players, myself included. On a bad day i was always there chatting, healing, sweating, instead of just blowing peds down the draine. Witch i have been doing since 2 weeks (less then 50% return most of the time). Really miss to have a place to go when loot are at a low. Hope Swamp camp will be restored to its former glory once sweat is back

    Me :loveshower: Swamp Camp!

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