New Features Added option to change damage text size. Improvements and Fixed Issues Miscellaneous General fixes to improve client stability. You should now be able to place orders for all items in the auction. Fixed issue with zooming when seated in the tank turret. The chat log will now correctly include the name of the avatar speaking. Damage taken will now correctly show in the lower right corner of the screen in third person as well as in OTS and first person mode. Fixed issue where weapons attached to vehicles were not displaying the correct value after a vehicle recall. Increased location notification duration depending on text length. Added chat message informing of invalid camera actions in OTS mode. Client Loader Fixed issue where the client loader would crash if connection was lost during download. The repair tool will no longer claim it can repair more than 100% of the installation. Planet-specific content Integrated planet specific bugfixes for all planets. For information about planet-specific releases, see the planets' respective website, which can be found through More...