you cant see this because you cant see that ND is no longer a regular avatar or player anyway. he owns the planet and dev studio. any gain from these is far, far greater than the possible gain from a few tidbits of inside info. he can create his own LA (has done so), his own mobs (has done so), or his own items (has done so...). the MA business model also means the planets partners can only have desgin input and little say in the economy balance, so no creating uber faps, weapons, armours (you may note they have not done so yet). its not in ND's long term interest to take directly from the economy anyway, since the more left for others means more turnover, means more decay, means more revenue. the risk that friends and family might benefit from inside info persists and frankly not policable unless you ban all real life relationships (yeah, right), and existed before ND went into development. unless one has a very low opinion of ND, surely anyone can see he didn't get involved in planet creation just so a few mates could benefit with a few thousand $ from the game? in the end, the solution doesnt solve anything while being determental to the platform in general. if i were an investor or future planet partner, i would look at the "community" perception and reaction to all this and wonder if its worthwhile, if its just better to go with another (new) platform and create a new, fresh player base.
Narfi, It looks to me like you're intentionally interpreting things neverdie said totally wrong. He never wrote he couldn't use any of the systems, just that they didn't. As others have pointed out, they can still use official avatars which can probably even have the same name as they have now, only with something like roctropia in their name. So the only thing you are accomplishing with your posts is make people dislike neverdie even more. I doubt that is your intention, so maybe it is better to call it a day and have a good nights sleep?
No he did not get in to building planets to cheat us out of stuff, of course not. But now that he is building planets he needs to stick to the rules, if he or we like them or not. So yes give him a official avatar so he can still be on the planet and play the game, just don't let him be able to withdraw any money. Let him get the money he now has in his avatar and withdraw that and than freeze it. As I said before it is part of the sacrifice you'll need to make to be able to build your own planet, so I don't really see what all the fuzz is about.
It has nothing to do with ND himself. It also has nothing to do with the fact that he has more to lose by abusing his status than to gain from it. I certainly don't accuse him of using his position unethically (maybe others do, but that has been around way before he became a planet partner). It is about the simple fact that the choice of whether to abuse his status or not should not be in his hands, let alone in the hands of his staff. It should not be in hands of any employee or partner of MA. Banks, lotteries, investment funds, and many other sectors have strict regulations for these kinds of things, if EU wants to be a serious RCE universe it should have (and enforce) strict regulations too.
We all suffer from Neverdie burn-out over time in Entropia. I met the man in person and thought at the time that he was a great guy. I was blown away by the recent (or not-so-recent) video posted on the SEE site. In which he did his thing. If he has done anything well in his career it is public relations for Entropia. As an ambassador for Entropia Universe he did and does a brilliant job. I for one would rather see his avatar in-game, but he would have to limit it's use in the same way that FPC officials limit the use of their "official" avatars. Come in-game, communicate with players, have a laugh, but don't click anything, or rather, don't loot anything. Or what then becomes of "I am my avatar"? As for his ethics and whether or not he would be tempted to see if he could somehow "cheat". I speak only for myself, but I strongly doubt that any of us is able to cast that first stone. The only Neverdie I would like to never see again is the giant neon sign for Bank Neverdie which now towers above the giant neon sing below it, which also say Bank Neverdie in Port Atlantis.
I say let him keep the avatar as many have stated but limit to what it could do. When he became a planet partner he crossed the line from player to businessman. ND has done much for EU and will do more too I know--but he moved on from being a player. I really wish I had a good analogy for this but I don't.
As one of the posters on the CoI thread I would like to claim victory, but I seriously doubt the thread was responsible for ND's latest drama. I think ND is trying to gather sympathy even though he knew when he signed on as a planet partner that he would be required to change his game status. So I look forward to a retooled ND ava, perhaps including other key members of Neverdie Studios. RT Official ND ava FTW.
I think it is the correct thing to do. The way this is communicates to the public is in a negative way and I think that is a professional mistake in communication in general. There is no need to show the community he was "forced" to stop this. He could as well given it a positive twist and support the professionalism. To ND ... You have become your avatar which you have done greatly and no one ever did better (with a little help from MA and plenty of risk from yourself) Now become a professional in business, I hope you'll get there too. Atami
Well it appears this issue is not resolved yet. Despite MA`s Planet Partner Agreement and statements from ND himself. Just one of many globals and a few nice hofs.
5 of the top 10 crafting presently, approx 10k PED. Can we chalk up this questionable judgement to a little new years eve drunkenness?
and it continues Yeah names you need to know in 2011 ,looking forward to see what there will be writen afther year 2011 Names You Need to Know in 2011: Jon ‘Neverdie’ Jacobs - Oliver Chiang - SelectStart - Forbes
Well, technically... If there is a finite amount of player reward in the economic system (and there has to be to guarantee random factors do not make a planet partner or MA go bankrupt), Planet Partner Jon Neverdie Jacobs scoring globals, HOFs, and ATHs pulls that money out of the system and from the grasp of customers. If this isn't "double dipping" (as he gets cash off the back end of the system from all who get loot on Rocktropia and his interests on Next Island), it's so close as to be nearly indistinguishable. So yes, it does tip the scales to some degree. To what degree I cannot say because none of us mere mortals know the recipe for the economic secret sauce. Mr Roarke never indulged in his own fantasy on Fantasy Island. He was a business man.
Exactly! He is a businessman. If it isn't advantageous economically to go where your not either enjoying the game or losing PED playing..Don't go.Its that simple. Very good response Alpha!..:)
Yes, but as a businessman, he shouldn't be taking a seat on his own carny ride when a customer could take it should he? In simpler terms for you, the carny shouldn't be grabbing the brass ring on the merry go round when customers are riding. ...and I don't go there.