TimeTravel Crystal Frustration

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by Lykke TheNun, Mar 16, 2011.

  1. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    I live on NI and have for months. Killing mobs of all kinds there, I also collected the different materials for the TimeTravel Crystal, and have to admit, that was one of the things, which attract me to NI to begin with.

    When Kitten discovered Greece I got so excited and wanted to try and make my own TTcrystal.

    I have 5,5K engeneering skills - and I'm not a bad crafter.

    After 4 tries (and spend all my looted material for now) - I give up ...

    How many tries do you need for a success?

    I really find it frustrating and shitty! :( And I lost both excitement and desire to go to Greece.

    Dunno if I'm the only one - but thanks for giving me air :shots:
  2. Nobatti

    Nobatti Guest

    I feel the same way. Add that loss of excitement to the steaming pile of it from the other various demotivating things from past few months...
  3. Thorn

    Thorn Proud CND Baby

    I don`t think your alone. I know people who continue to fail and have heard others talking about failing many many times before a success. The kicker for me was seeing more well known players willing to pay ig big money to get them instead of wasting more to try and craft them. I`ve heard the cost will come down and thought maybe todays update would address that. Also why I did`nt bother trying to craft them and sold the last of my resources for them yesterday. Time will tell! (pun intended) :biggrin:
  4. Noodles

    Noodles Pastafarian

    The problem is that the person who designed the blueprint doesn't understand the crafting system (or is very sadistic).

    The tt of the ingredients is ~1.3 ped, and the tt of the product is 5 ped. So you need a 'mini' for a success (on quantity). If the success rate were still ~40%, MA would lose a lot of ped.

    You might try moving the slider toward condition, such that your success rate is ~10%. This should give a crystal on any success, since a minimum success return will now be ~(1.3ped)*4 = ~5 ped. But you'll still only succeed on 1 in 10 clicks. Which is better than your chances of getting a mini, anyway.

    Note that you will have many fewer partial successes, and so will use up more ingredients per click. But overall, (hopefully) less ingredients per crystal.
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  5. aridash

    aridash large throbbing member

    or, its designed to ensure rarity. why you wouldnt want to have 1pec crystals, other than to discourage travel or make revenue from the crafint failures. take your pick, because its not an accident.
  6. Calin

    Calin Due for an Ultra-Uber Loot.

    All I know is.. I'm not clicking away any of my materials until there is a proper cos. If I never get to time travel because of that, so be it. I'll just planet travel instead. It's MUCH cheaper.

    It's really sad seeing how NI is turning into such a cluster****. I was very excited at first, but had concerns because of NDS and what I'd seen of RT early on. My concerns seem to have been validated.

    I still have some hope left, but it dwindles away each and every day that we don't get fixes or content.
  7. Whether it's by design or error I don't know, but if selecting condition rather than quantity gives you more successes, something is wrong. Quantity = more successes, that's the whole point of the slider and the wording on it.
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