Ad-terminal mystery revealed

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by andrew jenery, Mar 24, 2011.

  1. andrew jenery

    andrew jenery from Entropia Star

    As some will know, ad terminals have not been available for some four weeks or so, and this is why. See pic.


    OK, there's some typo's here, but the meaning is clear enough. It seems , that for the time being at any rate, that only those with personal ad-terminals will be able to place ads on the ad-boards... What is going on??
  2. There are no private ad terminals, only ad screens which do nothing more than display the ads.

    - Deathifier
  3. andrew jenery

    andrew jenery from Entropia Star

    Not according to the in-game chat I had. The sreenshot that I posted only shows the tail-end of the conversation... If there are no private ad terminals, then how is it that new ads have appeared consistently over the last four weeks at least, even though ad termianls have not been available for at least that length of time. Something fishy is going on!
  4. Unless the person you were talking to was a MA or Planet Partner official the chat isn't exactly authoritive :)

    It is entirely possible that there are other entry points in to the ad system aside from the public terminals.

    I just checked the old ad screen and it doesn't allow the creation of ads.

    If you want to find out how the ads are being magically created perhaps ask the people creating them?

    - Deathifier
  5. andrew jenery

    andrew jenery from Entropia Star

    Entirely possible? I'll tell you what. If you have access to an ad terminal, or 'other entry point' I'll pay you 10 PEDS over the ods for creating a 30 second ad, which is 30 PEDs - so 40 PEDs. :)

    --mini update---

    OK, I found out what 'other entry points' for creating ads are, which is Estate Terminals for estates that have ad-boards. The trick is though, that you have to contact the estate owner.
  6. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Southern Fortress Engineering

    Thanks for the research mate, keep it up!
  7. andrew jenery

    andrew jenery from Entropia Star

    How you doing Tim ;) LOL - it's a small world. I'm as much on EP's forums as I am no my own :) Now I just have to find the owner of an estate that has an ad-board on it. Seems like this will be the case for anyone wanting to place ads until the ad-terminals are reintroduced, if at all...
  8. got to be a rumor... There are personal ad screens, but I don't think there are private ad terminals...

    Also, I'm a bit pissed at MA about the private screens since you used to be able to place them at 3% tt value, but now they got to be repaired up to 90%.. but the repair is just to hand MA and PP more money and that's all as you can't edit the ad screen itself as it's not a terminal.

    To see a screen - head to my shop... in omegaton. It looks just like the ones in the auction houses.
  9. andrew jenery

    andrew jenery from Entropia Star

    I am not talking about personal signs that you put in estates or outside of them. I am talking about the global ad-screens. In a previous post, it's suggested that there are 'other points of entry' into the ad system, but what are these? There are no ad-terminals, so how are ads being placed? Somebody must know. There's no way that all these ads during the last four weeks were paid for in advance...
  10. aridash

    aridash large throbbing member

    first of all, who indeed has these personal ad terminals, how did they acquire them and how come no one has mentioned it? no discovery, noone selling, nothing.

    who would know? well, ask someone who will have placed the ads, not difficult to find them. as for "no way"... well they are there, so there must be a way. maybe, the old ads have just been left to run?
  11. andrew jenery

    andrew jenery from Entropia Star

    I don't care if it's personal ad terminals or 'other points of entry' into the ad system. All I know is, that new ads are appearing daily. These are not re-runs of old ads that were running over four weeks ago. As to finding ppl who have placed ads (not that they would tell you how), this is far from simple as you probably know, unless they happen to be near a TP area that you visit.
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