Yesterday I got a note in the mailbox telling me the postman tried to deliver a package to me and that I wasn't home (well a man has got to work). It also told me I could pick it up the next day at the post office and that I needed some ID to pick it up. Today I had no time to go by the post office (needed to drink Beer in the sun) so I will go by the post office tomorrow to pick it up. Really wonder if it is nice, but I'm sure it is.
Well it was really hot last week and pretty cool at the beginning of this week, but is was around 20 degrees or so in the shade today and much warmer in the sun Sent from my HTC Incredible S using Tapatalk
Well picked up my calendar today and took a few pics of it. It even got signed by the artist how made the pictures.
Well you should have pre ordered the next issue of the entropy times, but that promotion is already over I'm afraid. Send using Tapatalk