Its not easy to allways make a good buy and have it fit your skills and the mob at the same time. We often go to the AH to find what we need. We find a weapon that fits us and then we look to see how much it is that they want as a MarkUP. Then we check the history of the mark up. This is where after so many years I allowed myself to be scammed for the first time ever! I was lazy and in a bit of a rush and did not read all of a forum thread about the item. Here is my short Auction House scam. I check the MarkUP of the item I want. Its histroy says it been selling around 120 ped mark up. Ok I buy it for the over priced 150 ped they want. It was the only one that day. The reason I bought the weapon is becasue I read a forum thread about the itme and how it was good to skill. Turns out the item sucks. Its about the same as the MannPhP hand gun. So I payed 150 ped for it. SUCKER Well the scammer had posted a thread about the weapon line I wanted. He told everyone that this weapon was good for skill and eco. Only 3 have been sold in the past year or two. Must be good. Wrong. Seems he found a gun that is seldom used. Bought it back and forth 3 times before I saw it. Its MU went from 5 ped to 120. Check the long range history. Check who is selling what before you buy. Keep names on file for such things. Dont trust one forum thread. If the game was easy, it would not be any fun. Good job to the gun scammer. I wont let you do it again but after 150 peds youll find another player. Dont forget your luck% skill factor. You cant see it but that 150 ped scam. carma=luck.
Out of curiosity, which gun is it you ended up buying? But yeah. It never hurts crunching some numbers yourself before buying things. 3 minutes of research can save you a lot of money.
Ok that would be cool. Ill get the gun and see what its called. I think its a M2200 a hand gun. I just expected it not have the lvl 100 skill to max it. I thought thats why they were saying it would be good to skill with because it was like the mann but would not have as many misses at the lvl it starts. It shows I should read all of a post and not just the headlines. Ill get the gun info and Ill find the link to the forum post I SHould have finished reading first. I could still be wrong and the gun is worth the peds but I dont think so. Im often wrong. Ill get the links and you can tell me. -------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the M2201. I hope you tell me I was wrong and it is worth 100 ped and up. It just sold on the auctionhouse for 100 ped. If I am correct and the gun is a suckers gun and the fourm post is a scam post. That makes me part of the scam myself for putting it back on the AH. Dam How many times will this gun bite people. will post link to thread soon.
Well ive never been tricked in Entropia Universe. There was no thread that suggested I go out and buy one. I reread what I half read before and most of the thread was how it sucks if your not lvl 100. Seems some still want to buy the M2201 I guess they are lvl 100. So I tricked myself out of 50 ped pluss the time and ammo I used. Like I said. I wont let this guy trick me again. How does Homer Simpson say it? When he does someting wrong.