Are you smart enough to found a solution???

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by dendricala, May 1, 2011.

  1. I need a function to extimate the tt value of skills. In entropiatool i found this table here than i ploted the values in excel 2007(but also in the 2003) i created a trend line polynomian order 6 with relative formula, in the picture


    But OR this formula is wrong OR i m not able to re-formulate it in a way that excel can understand..... in effect when i try out some x values the relative y ones are far away from the aspected values.
    There is around some guy smart enough to help????
    thx in advance
  2. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Someone must have been smart enough when they made this:
    Entropedia: Tools: Avatar Skill Calculator

    Check at the top of the page, you can enter in any starting and ending value of skills and it will show you the tt values of the chip needed and what you will end up with after decay.

    Hope that helps,
  3. well i don t need the formula for a tool to chip out, but just to calculate your tt skill. OFC there is some smart guy around, i m just trying to see if he is also helpful :-)
  4. any help? ??????????????????????
  5. Afaik it isn't algorithmic, there is no formula. The values used in the Entropedia tool and other similar applications are based on recorded data collected from actual skill chips.
  6. ofc the value are based on people real skill chips, i would like just try to see if it possible to create a function that works well for any value. Right now what we can do is a liner extrapolation between 2 points: es skills point=100 tt=012, skills point= 200 tt=0.25, than skills point 150 is some between 012 and 0.25. But ofc it s just an approximation
  7. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Southern Fortress Engineering

    The formula in your excel screenshot wasn't a linear extrapolation though - it's a 6th order polynomial by the looks. If you want greater accuracy than it's currently giving you, perhaps you can increase the order?

    On the other hand, it might not be a polynomial function at all. Oleg reckons it probably isn't a function. May IF it IS, it isn't continuous one?

    On the other other hand (yes, we have three hands in this case), if it's greater accuracy of interpolation that you want, it looks to me like you might simply need to collect/locate more data. For example, if you found out the value of 150 points and included it in your data set, perhaps the formula would become more accurate.

    If you look through Planet Calypso Forum you might stumble across some more data sets.

    Just ideas, mind you. I'm not the smart helpful guy you're after. I just remember when I was trying to understand this stuff myself a few years ago.
  8. yup take a look to forums to add data is always good, but how you can check we have data from 100 to 15000 skill points with gap of 100 skill points. It s a pretty surce of data. But if well remebr there is a tread on fpc where people is giving more data coming from the missions. I will do a look for sure.
  9. khaos

    khaos DnB'addict

    And what if there is an equation for every 100 points? Will be pretty hard figuring something like that out...
  10. considering the first figure it look like an exponential one. But i think also a linear extrapolation will not give a big error, especially when we are considering hing amount of data
  11. slowly making progress
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