EntropiaPlanets Achievements Tracker and other Tracker improvements

Discussion in 'About EntropiaPlanets' started by NotAdmin, Feb 19, 2011.

  1. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    I just finished some coding on the Mission and Teleporter trackers, and added a new Achievements Tracker (which has also been made available through the EP Tools tab in the navigation menu). All trackers now allow for the user to limit the list of available information to be limited to a single planet (It also includes the ability to select "All" planets for those who want to keep track of everything - The default setting is "All"). The counters are planet-independent, and as such will show totals both for the number of teleporters, missions or achievements, and the total number of them we have registered in our database. I implemented the planet-selection behaviour as global to all our trackers, so if you set it to be limited to a specific planet for the missions, the same will apply to the teleporter and achievements tracker.

    The drop-down selection list of planets will show only planets that we actually have entries for in the individual trackers. At this very moment, the missions is still limited to Calypso, but I intend to add more missions later this weekend. The teleporter tracker allows you to switch between Calypso and ROCKTropia, but Next Island teleporters will also be added later.

    For the tiime being, that is the only changes made to the trackers. I still have a list of suggestions from earlier, but have not actively worked with them yet. Should you happen to find any bugs, or wish for additional functionality, please do let me know. Also, if you miss missions, teleporters or achievements, feel free to drop me a note, and I'll add them ASAP

  2. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    Just finished adding more teleporters. Some new Calypso ones, a few missing ROCKTropia ones, and a whole bunch of Next Island ones.

    I'm planning on adding new missions tomorrow. However, I have to admit that I sort of lost track of which new missions were recently introduced. If anyone has any teleporters that are not on our list, any missions that have not yet been added, or any achievements we lack, please feel free to post them here, and I'll ensure they will be added soon.

    In other news, I'm exploring options on recoding the trackers. Your earlier suggestions will be taken into consideration for this overhaul, but I'll ensure the data will not be changed in any way or form. Should you have additional ideas or thoughts on the trackers, feel free to post them here.

  3. About the Mission Tracker, off the top of my head, Longu, Atrax, Neconnu, Summima, Scipular, Allophyl/Estophyl, Eviscerator, and Steelbirds Iron missions are missing. Probably several non-iron missions too. And there are the 30+ Rocktropia missions and half-dozen Next Island missions.
  4. Neuromancer

    Neuromancer Brainstormers Official Brain Glue

    In the achievements section Sea Wolf is missing - 500km on the water - but I'm pretty sure this is bugged. A lot of people have it but haven't gone the distance
  5. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    The mission tracker for Calypso has been updated to reflect the missions I am currently aware of. If any are missing, please do not hesitate to let me know. I'm currently working on the ROCKtropia missions, and will then handle the Next Island ones.

    Update: Achievement Sea Wolf has been added, too.
  6. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    The regular ROCKtropia missions have now also been added. Next up: NWOMSP missions.
  7. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    NWOMSP missions are now also included :)
  8. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    And finally, the Next Island missions have been added.
  9. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    Great work bebe :) ... Huhmm I mean 'admin' ...
  10. Neuromancer

    Neuromancer Brainstormers Official Brain Glue

    A few more achievements to add for Calypso

    PVP - Murdered (killed in pvp)
    - Piercer (kill 1 in pvp)
    - Ripper (kill 5 in pvp)

    Hunting - Bred for a Purpose (kill 1k shinkiba)

    Feats - Brick (suicide once)
    -Asphalt Pizza (5 suicides)

    Stories - Gamekeeper (shinkiba)
    - Gentleman's Club (fight club)
    - VIP (fight club)
    - Uplinked (Mad Prophet II/RX unit mission)
    -No (Mad Prophet II/RX)

    I'll add more as I get them.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    Thanks, all added.

    I could have sworn I had Brick and Asphalt Pizza before, though. Oh well. They're in there now :)
  12. Amber Knightley

    Amber Knightley I see dead people.

    A lot of things are missing in the trackers, especially all the new achievements.
    How would you like this information presented to you, I might be able to give it a few minutes to collect some data, or at least I could provide some screen shots quite fast if that is good enough.

    I love the mission part about these trackers since it helps me see why I should go to another planet and what I could do there. This is great since atm you can only see the missions you have for the planet you're currently on!

    It would be neat if you could add the reward of each mission or at least make them link to the wiki page for that mission...
    • Like Like x 1
  13. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    Hi Amber,

    True, we have not been adding too much recently due to other commitments, but if you have a list of missing achievements/missions/tps, I can easily add them for you.

    There are links to the wiki pages, but not all of those have been filled in yet either. I suppose I could add more info to the database tables we have now, but the one issue with adding the rewards is that they can be radically different, meaning we might end up having to put them in as text-only, which in turn kind of would defeat the purpose somewhat.
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