Quo vadis, Next Island?

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by Tass, Oct 13, 2011.

  1. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    So... Next Island has been in production for at least 3 years and 2 months, it's now more than 10 months after launch.

    Please help to get the following figures correct:

    - Server Areas: 6 (one of which is AG and one of which is ND)

    - Unique Mobs (all others just instances of them): 10? (Boars, a bird, Chimera, Cyclops, Drakes, Minotaurs, Papoos, Portal Guardian, Sharks, Skeletons)

    - Missions: 16?

    - Achievements: 7?

    - # of auction pages (13 Oct 2011): 5 (Rt: 42, Ark: 73, Caly: 1071...)

    - a rather non-existing local economy

    - a CEO with confused priorities...

    - no producer...

    - a Director of Social Media who had just enough time for writing maybe a DIN A4 page in total in about a month...

    - a marketing guy who ordered boys (baby blue) and girls (baby pink) wristbands with NI logo to giveaway at conventions...

    - 1 and a half (?) QA guys...

    - some secret undercover 'development team' of which it is forbidden to speak about...

    - and no money?

    I always was under the impression that a non-functional planet has been delivered to NI. I was under the impression that Meg and Harold both with all their experience and knowledge actually were exactly the right people to sort out the mess again. Now I'm under the impression that Harold doesn't think this would be possible anymore.

    So... quo vadis, NI?

    What needs to be done to avoid an epic fail?

    Shall I go to NYC and help out? ;)
  2. I think that statement there sums it up!

    Someone needs to grow some balls and realize that his investment is going down the drain and hire ppl who know what the hell they are doing. And stop the advertising and put the money into a good development team!

    Please do!!
  3. I have said it before, i think Next Island will have a realy hard time to survive as a planet now when we have Calypso, Arkadia and Rocktropia that are all better than Next Island in my opinion. And soon we will have a big fish coming, Cyrene, that i think could be the best of them. To only thing that will save them is if EU gets a huge increase in the number of players in a short time, and can't see that happend. But at the same time, is not totaly impossible they can get things moving. The little i have seen of the planet is not that bad, a "cute" planet if you like that.
  4. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Well, we probably all agree that NI lacks content/substance. No matter whether you look at it from a hardcore or a casual gamers perspective.

    What really is alarming me:

    Meg & Harold are exactly the
    In fact they know more about what it takes than 99.99% of us participants.

    There must be another problem. They either follow orders that so far did not lead to a success or they lack the resources to do better. Fx lack $ to employ a creative team with a higher output of assets (creatures, items, missions, ...) in a shorter time.

    Little content -> few customers -> little profit -> small staff -> little content -> ...

    Downward spiral potentially on the way. Sky is falling? Maybe not yet but it might never been that close. And in that case...

    because I was never convinced that the planets concept in general (same game - different skins) is a good idea I always wondered whether there is a clause in the PP contract saying that fail planets go to MA. I assume there is.
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