Maybe you got confused with the Christmas gifts? *ding* LIGHTBULB! xD My take on it is that Cyrene, although a good amount of players know about it, will have to be advertised in-game and out of the game for those players who don't do much out of game research. Start off with alot of initial events so people have a little fun coming over... start with an opening party, then maybe a giveaway of some sorts, followed with a hunting and mining party. We will need to encourage people to populate the Cyrene auction as soon as we can, so it can get at least up to "Arkadia level". Then you take it from there. If we can't get the features, we grab the most important thing and that's lots of people. Quad-Wings, being cheap as they are now, we all probably own one. We could offer free rides to Cyrene and get others to do the same. (Not so free on the way back. ) Anyways, just realized this thread was about Land Deeds... :/
haha well yes its about land deeds and the idea of actually using them to make real money (ie by withdrawing after a set time) but yeh I thought Cyrene was related however I think I discovered last night it isn't. I was having a chat to Az (my old soc leader ) last night who said he'd been on the line to Deathifier. Apparently (and as I say this is third hand info) the arrival of Cyrene will have zero impact on CLD payouts (and hence value) and in fact is more likely to make the payouts larger. This is because essentially PP's only receive decay/auction revenue (or whatever it is) from players who are "born" on their own planets. So if everyone from Calypso goes to Cyrene and spends a week solidly playing there all the deed owners get a nice bonus probably that week ;) I'm slightly dubious that this is all there is to it since it kinda encourages PP's down a "bums on seats" route. ie advertise to get people in initially on your planet but it doesn't matter if they go elsewhere later. I spose it would be good in theory to keep the economy and devellopment and activity of your planet going so they stay at least long enough to find their way to a space ship though... I wonder how many hunt the thing newbies are still on RT? So yeh I guess then the economics go like this I was born on Calypso, go to RT and decay my breer 1 ped on zombie missions. 50pec goes to MA 25 pec goes to Calypso owner (ie MA) 25 pec goes into the weekly deed owners payout Can anyone confirm? Cheers Wistrel
If this is really how it works then I should probably look again at the whole credit card thing and 0% on balance transfers. I can't see the CLD's selling too fast at the moment. I suspect it will take most of 2012 for them to go. or at least half
We don't know the percentage distribution. At one time MA had a chart on their website but that was taken down and percentages may have changed. If you were born on Calypso and go to RT then: - Some goes to MA - Some RT - Some Calypso PP(this portion will be split further - some kept by PP some to CLD owners) So yes if everyone did leave calypso for Cyrene. Calypso would still be making money.
I am pretty sure the planet the player are on get some of the peds the player are spending even if he is from an other planet, would be a bit crazy if not. It think NI will have a hard time to survive, maybe Rocktropia will have problems too. But if the new planets bring in many new players planet like NI could survive because of players visiting them from other planets. My guess is that Cyrene will soon after the launch have more players then Arkadia and be "number 2". They are also the first new planetpartner that are launched by a already established compay, the rest are ex players that have created a team. (i think?). That would give them resources that the others didn't have from the start.
Yes, Cyrene is the first real planet by an outside established company. Although Cyrene is the first game they are making. Creative Kingdom have a media industry thing going on so I'm especially intrested in seeing how they market their planet. NI is not by an ex player. It's David Posts dream. I'd agree with NI probably struggling for a bit more. Although they are now doing small updates with each VU. Which is good and may overtake RT - a bit like the tortoise and rabbit story :)
I would say Arkadia Studios is an outside established company. Sure, it's headed by a former player, but the great majority of his staff was probably recruited without having played EU before.
Yeh I thought it would be daft to say the owning planet partner gets all (aside from MA's cut) of a player's revenue but maybe not? I dunno really - you wouldn't want someone leaching all your players... then again... if you are planet A and get player 1 in and player 1 isn't "playing" much on your world (hence few depo) but then they go to planet Awesome B and play 3x more then you make more cash than if they had stayed on your planet.... Really wish we could get a break down on this. Think planet post moderner staff may know? They must have seen a revenue share document if they were considering being a PP. Maybe a better system is: I start on planet X and go to planet Y and decay my gun 10ped there MA get 5ped. PP X gets 2.5ped PP Y gets 2.5ped Is this fair? or are there pitfalls to this one? Wistrel
Thing is we don't know the proportions. I think we did very briefly on their website which was subsequently changed. Question is why the change? Seems to me the proportions may even be dynamic and based on some criteria or changed due to PP's requests. It may be the case in the initial stages of planet development it may favour that planet but once it's established (a certain number of active accounts) the division may be different. Perhaps a question for a PP or MA when you get the chance to ask?
Hm, would be nice to see the distributions. I can't really see any disadvantages for MA/PPs if this information is public. 50/25/25 thingie is related to Calypso Land Deeds. From Calypso's gross revenue 50% go to MA, 25% go to AR Universe and 25% go to Land Deeds. The 50% to MA is not necessarily correct for other planets. We know from a financial report that at least one PP made a one-time payment to MA in order to increase their own share above 50%. But we do not know (or at least not me) what is actually contributing to the planet gross revenue in what percentage. Besides the fact that the planet you sign up for always seems to get a share no matter what other planet you play on.
Oh, back on the credit card idea. My work mate tells me that although you pay 0% APR on balance transfers there may be a transfer fee for example 4%. So thats another hidden cost that would need to be overcome to make real money (as opposed to ped) via this method. It might be there is an alternative eg a new credit card with 0% apr on purchases for the first 18 months or something like that. Not sure if such deals exist though?–_June_2010.pdf Google Translate: That was in May 2010 and it says for a planet still in development. So who was it? ROCKtropia was released 06 April 2010, so not ROCKtropia. Toulan was announced 31 August 2010 and the PR says Beladcom & MA recently signed a mutual agreement for cooperation. So not Toulan either. Arkadia was announced 03 November 2010 and in the first interview it doesn't sounds like they started early enough to change their original agreement with MA in May 2010 the latest. So probably not Arkadia either. Theryon:Wars was announced 14 April 2011. So can't be T:W either. Next Island? There is some info somewhere how much David invested, can't find it, but considering the financial situation of NI I don't think they paid at least 550.000k USD in 2010 to increase their share. Cyrene? My guess! Maybe someone shoulfd go and ask on ;) SEE Planets? Not to forget them and well possible it was them. But in that case the 550.000k or even 1.6M should go back at some point and appear in the reports, right? For me most interesting is the fact that MA obviously value 5% of the planet gross revenue 550.000 USD but are selling 5% of Calypso gross revenue for 1.2M USD. Do they simply expect that this other planet will not even generate half of Calypso's revenue?
Guessing CKI - I suspect the have the resources to maybe offer something in return eg helping code up certain features.
Hi, cannot help, but somewhere back in my slippery brain sits a Chirpy tweeting "SEE, SEE, SEE" ... Cannot find any proof. Minitrue might have done its job. Thought it would have been for Caly, might have been for Planet Michael? Have a good time!
hehe this is what I assumed at the time the announcement was made i.e. they were talking about SEE. However, thinking about it now it's probably unlikely to be SEE or if it was the deal may not have been finalized. It seems to me MA wanted SEE on board for the cash injection and SEE wanted the goods i.e. Calypso but didn't actually have the cash. This may account for the delay in the SEE & MA agreement and the subsequent "divorce". Essentially SEE may have been banking on making enough money from Calypso to pay MA but with the demise of the Medusa sale they may not have been able to pay MA. So their plan may have been at a similar craftiness level to Wistrel's :-) Note all conjecture ofcourse and this may be completely different from reality. So looking back over the first post I'd say not an "ijiot" but a clever fox :-) Would be intresting to talk this plan through with a numbers type person like an accountant. They probably know all the pro's and cons of this type of plan.
maybe I should ask my sister? ;) haha well would be kinda fun to talk it through with someone in the bank. Would put on my scruffiest ragamuffin clothes too and keep looking at something behind them the whole time. I'd love to see the look they give me when I talk about an imaginary world on the internet :D hehe joking aside its ok. I am sure I could easily leave out the the Entropia bit (just say its a high risk venture with a likely 27-30% ROI excluding transfer fees. Probably I just need to find an offer though and spend some time running the numbers. I think it will be interesting to see how the trade of the deeds themselves takes off once all are sold by MA Wist
I don't know much about investing, but I do know that borrowing money to invest with is never a good idea, regardless of the great terms you might be offered or the ROI you might be promised.If you have the money, it's a different ball-park, but borrowing to gamble is bad, mkay? My 2 PEC. And like others, I also figured it was SEE who bought the additional revenue.