LOL Unfortunately I can't get in, room is surrounded by concrete! :) Would you like the answer? I almost smacked hubby across the forehead, I'm sure you will want to also when you hear it.
No ! Well well the answer must be like the dallas episode :-) You awake up and it was all a bad dream ....
Ah damn I think I got it.. The room isn't just four walls and a floor and ceiling, ( cube ) it's more so you just walk out the other side that isn't a concrete wall!! Give him a high five for this one!!
Other possible solutions: Open the concrete door and walk out Try pushing all six walls (one at a time) Move table (may trigger something) There is no escape. So live your remaining life in the room and wait to die :)
Well, if he were smart enough to "think outside the box" so to speak, then perhaps with the help of someone outside the room? You didn't say how thick the walls were (I don't think). However, I have one question ... Did you forget about the mirror in the room?
No mirror, no spoon. No one outside. Thickness isn't a issue. Nothing else is in the room, only the table and the saw :) LOL getting the curiosity of others involved :)
Fine ... then just saw the table in half, put the two pieces together to make a (w)Hole and crawl out ... what's the big deal.
That's the only damn thing that makes any sense to me, and yes ... it's stupid enough to be right, and besides ... Softy said something about wanting to smack her hubby around because of the answer, and that told me it required some "out of the box thinking" which we normally don't do without conscious effort, so ... I went "stupid-silly" and side-stepped basic assumptions ... which we also don't do without conscious effort. I guess we'll just have to see what Softy tells us, and if my answer is right, then I will go smack Comp upside the head for all of us ... they only live about 30 minutes or so from me. I used to play some of these riddle thingys with my students to break the ice ... this one never came up, BUT ... here's one for you to figure out ... ================================== A man walks into a bar with a shotgun ... asks the bartender for a glass of water, then says thank you and walks out ... The question is ... why did he need the glass of water? ==================================