hahahaa - that's awesome, so reminds me of Entropia. Especially when he sat in the car without the car being there and the flying all over the floor randomly, reminded me of someone's Entropia Its Alive vid where a dead snable chased them round the map. Good find! Wist
I think this thread by MS9 is very prophetic as today I went to Omens Ridge on RT and discovered I was stuck in the raised wooden surround of the TP.
Oh geez ... sorry to hear that, but ... the glitches are something that seem to be ever-present, and I can remember one in particular during my BarbieStar9 days ... hey, at least they got the purple in there! Then there was the time at Corinth Beach on the Pier that was particularly cool.All I did was log-in, and I got this spectacular greeting! At least this is proof that MA might have some artists on staff that go off the grid now and then.
heh heh I've had some great bugs over these 8 years or so. I remember I was particularly pleased when Mr McC featured one in one of his vids. Still think the Exarosaur wearing pixie armour was the best though :D and maybe the sabakuma in my inventory.
The last pic looks like you were visited by MA's guardian angel lol! Yes, I've known quite a few glitches in my virtual life in EU - it was just funny that this one happened a few minutes after I looked at the clip. I could 'see outside' and everything but I couldn't move - it was very strange, a bit like being trapped in a sheet of glass, then I zoomed-out into 3rd-person and found I was embedded in the wall of the TP plinth lol - so had to use the T-key to get to nearest revive...