Estates on the wiki

Discussion in 'EntropiaPlanets Wiki' started by Tass, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. Tass

    Tass Administrator


    See how it began further down in this post under "Original post".

    Meanwhile we took the first steps, a portal is under construction there:

    Whoever can help, please do.

    Recently added estates

    Original post:

    Alrighty. That's quite a project. Without community effort it won't be doable.

    Estates are a part of the game I personally didn't explore yet. So I'll probably be not much of a help, besides building infastructure on the wiki.

    As far as I understand there are these fundamentally different types of estates:
    • "Land Areas"; something to put DNA on and collect taxes from mining & hunting
    • "Appartments", "Houses"; (which can be enhanced to shops? no idea how)
    • "Shops"; something to put items on display for sale
    • "Hangars"
    • more???
    All of them share a couple of parameters (like owner, position, etc) but each of them has also quite individual parameters (like DNA slots for LAs, max guests for appartments, etc)

    What we need first is collecting all these parameters/properties for each type of estate. I'm away from my gaming PC and won't be able to scout these for a couple of days.

    When we have the parameters we can create forms to add them to the wiki.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2013
  2. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Possible features

    Estate history

    "History of who's owned what estates might be interesting."
    "Something along those lines but with some history for each place would be nice. ... maybe, if it can be found, list of prices paid and links to threads about that type of stuff could be useful to give a better estimate on various prices on various locations since in game history for estates sucks as it's all bunched together with apartments impacting price of shops on history, etc."

    Aggreed and not hard to do technically, as long as data is available and someone adds it to the wiki.

    Active shops list

    "Rowan's been trying to keep list over at with active shops."

    Rowan kept a few up-to-date on the wiki too. If we enable ways of doing that more comfortably he might join us adding/updating data. As you read/saw in the Past-Present-Future thread wiki can feed automatically updated data to forums post (on any forum), active shops list would be another perfect use-case for this.

    Shop guide

    "Similarly, Rowan's put together a little of a shop guide at Something that explains estates more in depth, etc. might be useful... also along with that some history on various changes like when malls came to exist, what rent prices where, etc. Exact count of how many blasted estates, including apartments actually are in game, etc."

    Yep, maybe someone can ask Rowan whether we can add his guide to the wiki EU Guide and expand on it.


    "Something kind of like entropedia's estate section, but more organized... hell maybe even link it in with maps, etc. so like entropedia map of with zoom in capacity to a diagram of each city that goes even deeper in... sort of like a google street view of entropia...

    We already have streetview capabilities for real-world maps on the wiki but if we don't find anyone to port it for custom maps it won't be available the coming years.

    Of course we can do cascading maps, meaning you switch from one map level to another by clicking a symbol on the map. We should be able to add that to forum post too, wait a second... snip... old map from the wiki, mouse hovering a shop gives further info, clicking a shop leads to wiki page of the shop.

    EDIT: Damn, removed the map, there's currently and issue with forum feeds, we are working on it.

    Video "preview"

    "maybe even with youtube videos of each area taken in game that sort of work in with it for all of them."

    EntropiaBay integration

    Displaying item listing of shops from Entropiabay. Possibly not that hard to do if Dendri would be up for it (should give Entropiabay more hits, so why not?).

    Item listing forum feeds

    Advantage: Shop owners with threads on various forums (or content on websites in general) just need to update the wiki with a convenient form and *click*, and all threads are up to date.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2013
  3. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    lol, well you also jumped right at this one did you Tass :)

    owner (keep a record of past owners as well)
    size (does the info give a m2 ?)
    type (hanger, apartment, shop, etc)
    location (coordinates)
    nearest TP
    building name
    cost (keep record of last sale price, MU is useless in this case)
    item points(how many items can be stored in the property)
    outside space (balcony, display area, etc.)
  4. It might be too big of a project, but as far as I know, no one has ever really tackled it yet. Can anyone answer how many apartments are any given planet - right now, I don't think so, and even the developers may not know.

    nice start of a list there. It'll have to be able to have more added later since CLDs will turn in to land plots of some type?

    Booths are another type. Not sure on classifications, but I guess you also have mall shops vs apartment shops... but I think some planets might blur the lines a bit from the way Calypso had it all set up. Number of item points per estate is also important, especially since the upgrade potential is there for them and some estates have been upgraded.

    Most of what I know was copied in to the thread over at and then some of the links over there off of that...

    If you wondering about this stuff, basically it's a little of a niche on info that I started studying before I bought my estates. Back in those days the information available was even more sparse than it it is today. I fondly remember going through the archives at entropiaforum way back in 2008 or 2009 and literally PMing every shop owner I could find any info on to try to meet them in game to find out more about the estate side of things before actually buying an estate. I've learned a lot since then but really most of what I've learned is just basic to where my own in game estates are. There's a bunch of estates all over the place that no one avatar is super knowledgable on... and so I think, No, I KNOW for a fact that estates are selling for crazy prices, both high and low because people really don't have a clue on how to price them either from a seller or buyers perspective.
  5. - that's the link to the 'active shops' that Rowan is keeping. Might help give you some info to fill in some blanks.

    Not sure that there's many estate owners here at ep, but if so, links to profiles so that PMs can be sent to estate owners might be a neat feature... of course, would have to an opt in I guess since some folks might not want to be bothered with private messages, etc.
  6. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    No need for profile links, we can add pm links directly.

    We are working on a new "contacts" module for the wiki where you can enter any contact data and set which ways to be contacted you prefer. Contact info incl. pm links is already possible using the old profile version, for example check the "On the web" section of MS9's profile:
  7. Thanks.
  8. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Im not sure if you want to include them or not but the sixty (30*2) Privateers as well as the Motherships utalize estate deeds as well.
  9. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    Not sure if that would be accurate. Although they share some similarities space ship deeds have a separate auction category and are classed as different. Also I don't think they have an estate terminal like normal estates with the usual options. I may be mistaken on that haven't visited my ship for a while and can be forgetful...
  10. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    That Rowan guy on pcf who categorised all calypso shops with details of location, what it sells etc could be the right person to help out here...
  11. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Maybe that would fit better to an upcoming Portal:Space. Or what features exactly do they share with estates? Can you place shopkeepers on them?

    In fact Rowan was the one massively expanding the Calypso shops page you created. ;) Maybe someone can point him to this project.

    Well, there are more tasks/questions:
    • Are there any floorplans, maps, etc out there that we can use? Someone up for creating one or more?
    • What properties does a shop have (exact names on the estate deed)?
    • What exactly are "estate areas" and how should we use them?

    Apart from that we are already further than I thought, because things like this already exist on the wiki:

  12. narfi

    narfi Lost

    You can not place shopkeepers on them. (hopefully in the future maybe?)
    They have estate deeds which show their coordinates on the map. - same as estates
    They Display an H on the map when the 'View Homes' is selected. - same as estates
    They have a terminal where a new owner or manager can claim them or toggle their access rights and guest lists. - same as estates

    Doesn't matter really to me where they go, but they have more in common with estates than anything else, the only difference being that the item slot count is 0.
    I should probably delete my shops from the 'residence' page since it's now on shop pages (originally put it there in residence since that was the page that existed prior to these little updates). I think (will have to check later) estate areas have to do with size of the place in square meters or somethign like that. I'll have to make some screenshots of my deeds for you in a bit since I have 3 different types of deeds at the moment - a booth, a shop, and apartments.

    Floor plans... There's some old ones in the shop tutorial page on pcf.... Some info is outdated but not completely as the layout of the floor plan is pretty much the same as it's always been so far.

    Let me find the link...

    here we go - see the pics over at the following link:
  13. As far as history goes, etc. I still haven't figured out how to use the gallery thingy over here yet much lol. Is there a way to upload pics instead of just linking to them? What I'm thinking would be cool would be like an archive that we the community creates of screen prints of the estate terminals that get time stamped, etc. so that it's clear which estate the pic is talking about and there's 'proof' (even if photoshop still could be used to alter it) of who owned an estate when,etc... or at least who claimed it since deeds don't auto update estate terminal as you have to claim it to really use it.

    I don't have a ton of estate terminal pics but do have some from a while back when there was an estate bug... look at this crazy max, lol:

    Those stats above and what they mean:
    Item Trade available is yes or no. Shops and booths = yes, apartments, houses, etc = no.

    Max mr of guests = I think the max number of people that can be on guest list. I have not done much with guest lists before... but I think it allows access to the place when it's set to private for those on the list? Never tested it much.

    Item points indoors: item points inside of the place

    Item points in display area: this is item points in the displays.. Displays for apartments are hallways. In apartment basement shops display is the area in window (brick wall) outside of building., In malls I think it's hallway slots.

    Item points in additional area: Not sure on that or what the heck it is for.? Maybe it's for Land areas or something?

    Additional area: yes or no value - tied in to item points on additional area, whatever the heck that is?

    Maintenance fees no longer exist on Calypso, but might on other planets?...

    As far as that little bug goes... hee hee... this pic is classic bit of history, lol. Took me a few hours to get that:

  14. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    The problem with PCF is that

    The only way to use it is asking the creators of the content for their permission, that's possible since the rights they granted to PCF are non-exclusive.

    You see how easy it is to violate PCF's copyright, harhar. Fortunately it is as easy to upload images. There's an "Upload a File" button next to the "Post Reply" button.

    The page to upload files to the wiki is Special:Upload. A link can be found in the left sidebar in the "Toolbar" section. On a sidenote wiki isn't too bad for file management since whatever you upload is available by clicking "My contributions" in the top right corner and then "uploads" under "User contributions" which would take you there.

    Great, these look like properties we can use for the wiki already. Meaning we can create a form to enter the properties and display them in queries. Besides using them for an estates guide.

    Cranked up the max number of items to 65533? Great, all trades are final.
  15. just spent about an hour recording every floor of estate terminals on Delta Tower where my estates are. If/When I have more time and put forth some effort I'll record some other buildings. I'll link to the youtube videos when I get a chance. Sorry for the piss poor quality on them. I had to set graphics on low so that I didn't loose frame rate. Bandicam and Entropia running at the same time uses a lot of memory and you get invisible walls and stuff if you go too high on the quality settings. At least the estate terminal info is very readable on these settings even if the glance in to some of the places set to public doesn't look very good as it's all washed out due to the low setting.

    Basement of Gamma building is all still owned by Marcus. I have an old video of that from a while back. Will link to that from this post soon. Not sure if linking tot he vids in the wiki is a good idea, but it might not be a bad idea... do the floor video links when it's set to private or when we don't have an individual video with higher quality, etc. Then update link or add second link when there is a better video... I probably will go back and hit the public set ones later when I have more time, etc. unless someone else hits it before me.

    Will have to do some research... I used to own Caz's place in 1A but I can't remember the date sold. I'm thinking about buying it back but not sure on that one yet.
  16. found it... this is the gamma building's basement as of 4/18/2012 (still no owners on it as far as I know - there was a support ticket I had in on this video and I was told by support that no participants have ever owned any of the shops shown in the vid)... Eventually, I think Mindark might sell em off, but they still have not since the broken promise in 2007...

    The above 2007 promise was waay before Medusa Head.... but we still have crap like this entire Gamma basement empty in 2013!

  17. Estate Terminals for Omegaton Delta Tower:

    - 1st floor

    - 2nd floor

    - 3rd floor

    - 4th floor

    - 5th floor

    other floors are still in the process of being uploaded at the moment. Will post more links later as they become available. Feel free to add info on the terminals in the video to the wiki. I feel this info is 'published' sort of since it's available to all avatars that visit the terminals in game, so you should be ok to use it. If someone objects to their estate being listed, maybe they can take it up with Mindark to have the way terminals work changed or they can manually delete their estate from the wiki later or whatever?

    I'll try to hit more estates later as time allows. Can't promise it'll happen every day, once a month, or whatever, but as time allows. If others in the community start doing sort of similar in their neck of the woods, we, the community will be able to figure this complicated stuff out. Heck we might even be able to figure out when deeds change hands as all of that info is somewhat published too in the auction being available to all of us.
  18. - 6th floor
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