Planet Calypso News: Crystal Palace Mercenary Recruitment Advisory

Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by EP-Newsbot, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. "Crystal Palace Space Station xenobiologist Professor Walken today issued an emergency bulletin advertising the recruitment of skilled mercenaries. While details of the proposed mission were not specified in the bulletin, anonymous sources mentioned disturbing alien activity observed recently in previously sealed portions of the aging space station.
    According to the bulletin, applicants will be screened by CFA Agent Stephan Wurmsteiger to ensure combat experience against alien lifeforms, and thus will need to have completed stage four of the Aurli Iron Challenge (5000 Aurli kills).

    Considering the stringent screening requirements and urgent tone of the bulletin, veteran mercenaries are expecting mission engagement within several weeks, or even sooner."

    Original Source

    Further information:
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2013
  2. narfi

    narfi Lost

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