Is anyone else having issues with the private messaging feature? I can go through the process of starting a private message conversation, but when I get to the point of submitting it, I constantly get errors, then ... When I get out of the feature, it then shows Inbox Alerts as if I have a response to a private message that I sent, but when trying to access, I get an error also. Are you doing upgrading in this area too?
I have 2 private messages but am unable to read them. I get this error, "A server error occurred. Please try again later."
confirmed, same issue. Cant start a message, and once an attempt has failed i have a message in my inbox with the same title which cant be opened.
That's my fault. I uploaded the new files for the add-on last night, but forgot to actually update the add-on *blush* Blame my fight with gravity throughout the weekend for wearing me out.
Everything is back to normal as Neuromancer says - thanks Peter - and thanks also to those of you who flooded my inbox with testing. Could ya not have been a bit more creative?
OMG!!! it did go thru. My face turned red, jaw fell and the drink I had in my hand dropped to the floor!! Had to turn up the air cause it got extremely warm in here.