Star Citizen vs Entropia Universe

Discussion in 'Other games and gaming' started by AxeMurderer, Aug 24, 2013.

  1. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Master Of Entropia

  2. The level of detail for SC is amazing. I like the way you can see yourself getting into the craft and see things working, etc, in the cockpit - the engine graphics are great too. MA should be taking notes from this... One criticism is that it seems to be entirely space/spacecraft oriented with no 'planet side' activity. Another is that spacecraft cannot and will not move like that outside of an atmosphere...
  3. EwoK

    EwoK Southern Fortress Engineering

    isn't this the "new" Freelancer?
  4. Look like it, it's the same creator. So basically totally different games compared to EU. Even if EU have the space, it's not the main feature of the game. But EU could use some of the features in games like Freelancer and similar games. Ships upgrades and similar stuff is something they could "borrow" from that game genre, and I thing they will.
    • Agree Agree x 1

  5. Would also be great if MA used similar techniques for crafting, tailoring machines so that you actually see conveyour belts, laser cutters, etc, instead of 2d heads-up-displays.
  6. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    I thought it was the guy who did Wing Comander? (showing my age there hehe) I used to have that game... man I watched a vid on YT of it the other day. Was showing my housemate what games were like back in the day haha. I'd forgotten that it was the only game I've ever seen even now to date that includes a full on funeral when you or NPC's die. I have high hopes for SC.

    Thanks for the article btw. I'm off to read. PS check out this also

    and then watch
    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Lets just think about that for a moment "a real economy" have you EVER heard that before?

    • Funny Funny x 2
  8. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Master Of Entropia

    Looks good and coming real soon. Must try it.
  9. Many of the players who play Entropia have low end pc's I don't know that for sure but on most screens I see by other players it seems low res and window mode.
    The more stuff that is moving and customised like say we could add 20 textures on or cars and transport and more detail realism on the screen the more power from the pc is needed and a server hardware that can handle it.

    It seems in the upcoming vu and updates the pp's will have the ability to fix and make patches on the fly without MA needing to do it so in that case I will try and play the game again when they release it.
  10. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Who knows about the next update. It smacks of MA spin but really I struggle to believe that they appear to be doing so little. It could be they are just throwing a ton of time at improving the underlying infrastructure of everything they have. Sort of like ripping the foundations out and rebuilding them to be stronger metaphorically, if you see what I mean?

    Well, time will tell. Maybe as a result of the infrastructure improvements we will get the "sit action" back again ,-)
    • Like Like x 1
  11. I love the X series, hanging out for X rebirth :)
  12. When did x rebirth come out. If this is as good as it seems...
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