no. as much as we might dislike it, there nothing against the rules, unless you use mulitple avatars to do it. what you selling?
why would anyone dislike dispassionate personal greed? cant think. you've even asked a question if its against the EULA, so you must have considered theres something "wrong" about it. But its part of life, cant do anything about it. dont have to like it though.
Not only is it NOT against the EULA, but some folks seem to believe that our economy is practically based on manipulating markets. However, considering the items you are trying to sell, Nat, I'd say getting the prices up any higher is pretty tough at this time.
I've manipulated items the wrong way quite abit the last year. Adding broken HL20's and have my wife buy them for 107%. Effectively lowered average markups on em by over 20-30%
oh common aridash, you know very well that you need 2 for a tango. The person that found my items thinking he will do a great deal doesnt do it because he suddenly wants to use the item for craft but to reselling it with a profit because if that person wherent greedy he would say. -Stop there and fuck off, i dont want to make a good profit on those items just because the demand raised every economy is based on a manipulative market. Look, lets say i have fukloads of chomper wool and that sells for i dont know even, 50 ped per day for 101% (please dont go buy up all chomper wool now, i just use it as a example, i couldnt kill a chomper even if i had stryker.exe fap bot cought cought sorry, i mean cousin on a lan) If i manipulate the price of them to lets say 900% then i also change the demand for them, and when demand for them is changed then the demand for other things are change, for example ppl load up with better crafted or looted L items to be able to hunt them weapon crafters see the increased demand on this L weapon and start to make them miners now see increased demand of the materials needed for this weapon and therefore take a mining trip. and same for hunters that see the increased demand on the looted L weapons and go hunt to try to loot them and supply the needs so this is a domino push effekt to stimulate the economy. (i think in your country they called it bailout.....ehh i mean stimulation package, not the same similar but twisted principal) And all this because at the end of the day everyone is greedy and wants a bit of the cake but to cover up their consience they want to burn me on a stake so i ask again I dont understand, what the fuck do you mean? what greed?
there is a difference between trading, buying low, selling higher, and market manipulation where you seek to drive the higher price even high by pretending there is higher demand or a new price is the "market rate". oh, and if i brought your items cheap, id keep them. ive sold very few things ive brought over the years. no one is burning you at the stake other than yourself. you are the one coming on here and announcing you will carry out an activity you know full well is disliked. you could have just done it and probably noone would have noticed. (and you still havnt said what you are selling.)
you didnt say why you where selling either. people only seel because of personal tragedy? no. you're the one that said you intended to manipulate the price. your own thread title and first post. you have your anwser, get on with it.
Actually, Aridash, if you follow Nats sales threads she's had on both here and ER, you'd know exactly what toys she's referring to. (BTW, Nat, how's your grandmother? )
i cant say i have. a simple reference to them would have sufficed. i realise now this thread was of course designed to create arguement and i fell for it. nevermind, it kills a bit of time.
OK, you're right. I've offered nothing of value to this thread. I'm sorry. I'll leave. EDIT: Ooops. Forgot to add a smilie face, indicating I was laughing and enjoying this. Didn't mean to sound upset.
Well my take on the matter is simple. Market manipulation only applys to creating a false price. mostly from buying and selling your own product, to raise the price. I do not think of Stimulating demand for the item. if you are buying it at market prices. becouse you are buying from the people selling it, at the prices they want for it. So they win. you might can raise the price of the item, if you succeed you win too. That is if you can sell it at a profit. Dont be to afraid to buy someone elses stuff. it isnt market manipulation it is healthy economics. But dont Buy your own stuff it doesnt help no one out, in fact if hurts everyone in the long run. There is such thing as good greed. Good greed attempts to give everyone involved their fair shake. Bad Greed however will keep others from getting their fair distribution, and you get everything. sure you walk with the most money. But you leave a bad taste in the other peoples mouths. and in the end lower the real value of what your dealing with. becouse the others will not have faith in your product they helped you attain. this lack of faith means the product is worth less than you sold it for. and they wont buy it again. bah im ranting again. lol
constructive? it isnt constrctive. i am laughing irl..... becouse it isnt that hard to know right from wrong.