The Moliskion by Hurrikane :-) It isn't a diary but a tale. He had a seperate section. Canceled and burried here:
I typically come here and click new posts.... Do the blog updates appear? If not how do we see them? I do think half the reason it worked before was the format and how if you didn't post for too long you fell off the front page of the diary sub forum. We'll that was always what encouraged me to post anyhow. While I'd like to ask for something like the old system here I'd be afraid I wouldn't use it and admin would have put in effort for no reason
I feel the same Wistrel. I would like to read some diaries on here; but now that I have my blogspot I won't be making a diary here. And I don't know how big of an effort it would be on the admin side to make such a section. At first sight it does seem like something simple, but on second thought; user rights and security are involved which could make this alot harder to implement.
Hmm. New diary posts do show up when you check "Recent Activity:, but not in "New Posts". I can see if I can get that added, though. I can also add a widget to the sidebar showing the latest entries made in blogs, if that helps? Is there anything else you think that could improve the usefulness of the blogs? I'd be more than happy to spend a bit of cash to get the solution to be something you'd all be happy to use :)
I should move/edit my posts to here from the other thread... Not to easy on a borrowed iPad. Will do later done - can delete this post if you like
Just noticed the blogs here are kinda like the old diary view but in reverse order. There is also a view that shows all the latest updates from everyone which is akin to the old "first page" I talked about from EF. It's not exactly the same though but I guess close enough. The difference is that if I posted 10 times in my blog and no one else did in theirs then I would dominate the first page. On the old setup I would merely occupy the top slot instead of the whole page. This may be better though.... Maybe if I start posting and see if anyone else does too... It may be good to be able to display view a blog in chronological order though... That way any continuing story's would appear in consecutive order Ah just realised there is also an all blogs view which is very akin to the old diary forums view..... Soooooo I think what this all comes down to is potentially just 2 or maybe 3 things. No ability to view to view a blog in reverse order eg to read a story starting with the entry that was written first (might not be a total nightmare to fix?... I may be wrong about that though) The fact that they are called "blogs" and not "diaries". I'm a snob and always hated the term blog ;) We could set ourselves aside from the rest of the internet and take back the blog and call it a diary again ;) "Wistrel's Diary" sounds sooo much better than "Wistrel's bog... sorry bLog" OK I appreciate that the downside would be that he rest of the world would be wondering what these "diary" things are and wondering why we have no "blogs". (additionally it would probably be a pain in the posterior for admin to replace all references to Blog with Diary) If I wanted to add a third thing it's that the entries don't show up in new posts but I guess that sorta makes sense... So I think that is ok as it is and there are plenty of other ways to have your content read/discovered Wistrel
ah there is one other thing missing which is that people can't have more than one diary/blog/story whatever here. This doesn't bother me but may bother others. I can't see an easy way round that though. A downside of acronoid going solo is that we can't comment on her entries without a BlogSpot account or some sort of unified id I imagine. She's also created a thread here about the story which is understandable but a little disjoint. If she wants to discuss things though that may be better than the comments. I can't see much difference though between a thread and a comment line. One bonus of the blogs/diaries we have here is that people can like them and post comments and also those comments only appear if clicked on hence not disturbing the layout/flow of the piece. This is a good thing. Do we have a blog view count anywhere? a bit like the thread hit count we get next to topics - I admit I didn't look yet but yeh, that was one other thing we used to back on EF I think Wistrel
I'm lost. Is the admin speaking about a diary section (which I haven't found yet)? Or is he speaking about the blogs? Wistrel, actually everyone can comment on my blog; or atleast that is what it is supposed to be. Reason that I set my blog solo is both to have something that I can completely control. As you may not notice, I've been written a bit of CSS and HTML there. A forum would never allow me to do so. By setting it up separately I also avoid the treacherous fact that some fora don't like to see links to entropiaplanets. Blogspot also makes it possible to use an RSS feed, and has a ton of gadget that are not feasible to implement into a forum. Although, if anyone is interested I want to copy my posts here.
ahhh god really? I mean about forum post links to here on other forums? They don't like linking other forums? Good Christ next we won't be about to talk about Tienanmen Square there either! Wistrel PS actually I seem to remember that is already not allowed! edit: oh yes me and admin both talking about the "blogs" here
You know no RL discussion is allowed on the forum you think about But know that I also put my link in the signature at both ATD and Pion; both are in competition of EU. While they won't prolly say anything about a link to my story, they might not like the link to a forum about their prime competitor. Anyway, I try to stay neutral to all parties; I've read the forum discussion here about the "forum wars" between PCF and EP; and just let's say that neither side should be proud about how they acted back then. But please keep this at rest; all I want is content and a nice community to hang out.
The blog solution we have does actually allow you to style your blog to some extent, and has RSS Feeds, too :) Both are among the reasons we picked it :)
Here's the article from when we introduced them. It might give you some insight into what's possible with the blogs:
Interesting. I had a look. I think I have room for one more blog :D It prolly be about loot, swirlies and HoF's, goodies and shinies; and maybe some hints as to profit ;) okay, I'll throw in some RL stuff too; like why my bathroom walls look like a plumatergus exploded there.
It does not seem possible to delete entries in our blog? Or atleast I have not found it yet. Thing is, I started the Tears of Retrospection story here; but I'm not continuing that in my blog. I've decided to keep a general blog here. Now those entries kinda look weird :S