Got booted offline and when I tried to log back in I received a message that my account has been locked. This is the first time this has happened to me, I have a support ticket in and I am waiting to find out what happened. Anyone have any advice?
Just wait for MA's reply. If you have done nothing wrong, you are probably unlocked pretty soon. Do you use a Gold Card?
I haven't played in a long time, so long that my card reader died, just recently re-ordered a new reader. Waiting on them, sent them copies of my driver's license college degree, timestamped pic, anything I could think of to prove my identity...I just hate waiting. Edit: I think I know why but the e-mail they sent wasn't very clear, said was locked for an investigation. I'm just used to companies being a little bit more descriptive than that.
I quit almost completely from 2006-2012, only logging in once I got a 30 day warning that they would cancel my account. Back in 2012 I had to remove it since the reader failed, never bothered to replace it til now.
maybe they locked you because you ordered a new gold card but still been online .. who knows .. did you do any trades? sometimes you only need to buy the "wrong" items ..
If you only logged in once in six years (06-12) then your account would have been inactive for more than 750 days, right? This would explain it.
No, I would pretty much only login between 2006 and 2012 when they sent out the deletion warning to keep it active, Leeloo might be on to something with the items, a guy who owed me a lot of money I allowed him to use ped to repay me. I'm thinking that SOB did something and now I'm getting the shaft for it.
Did he owned you a lot of PED in the game or money in real life? As real life trades are prohibit between avatars it is indeed the most likely reason your account got banned. Must add that most likely someone did report it as otherwise they would never have found out about the trade. Can also be your friend who paid you caused some unwanted attention on him, depending on how he acquired the PEDs he used to pay you with.
Yes, he owed me a few thousand dollars, it's been a few years and he asked if I could accept a credit card, I don't recall anything in the TOU saying that wouldn't be allowed so I told him to just give me PED
Is there any way to appeal a termination? MA is claiming I did something I did not do, which was use stolen CCs...seems they don't care I was scammed myself.
I would as for proof, but I do not give you much change they will give it to you. Is there any PED left on your account?
Quite a bit actually, 17k Zinc tower, 10k from the Aftermath competition, 27 CLDs. Had offered to give that to MA to offset the costs since it was my own fault for trusting the SOB
Problem is they are now 'stealing' those PED from you without any proof you actually did anything wrong.Not sure but getting PED from someone ingame is not illegal, and if that SOB (as you call him) used a stolen CC that is not really your problem I think. Anyway, I would not let them put me down that easily and would want an explanation and proof. You could try to call them and try to reason with them in that way, I mean support is not exactly someone who can make decisions like that.
Yea, I've called them a few times, basically all the switchboard does is let support know I am calling. I am trained in computer science and network security, and quite frankly it's absurdly easy tot rack transactions so idk why they think it was me. And I call him an SOB because son of a bitch takes too long to type.
K2 Network's BBB page Better Business Bureau Research these guys they may be able to help dunno or try google search:(BBB APB), some guys have had their account unbanned on APB
Well, filed a formal complaint with International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN) since BBB is only US/Canada