Loads of Texture BP's !

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Lykke TheNun, Dec 19, 2009.

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  1. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    Alright - here they are! First the normal ones - then the (L) ones - selling them in two bunch !
    Give me an offer!
    Thanks :)

    Allophyl Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Argonaut Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Armax Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Armax Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Atrax Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Atrax Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Atrox Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Belkar Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Belkar Texture Blueprint 0.17
    Bigwig Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Bigwig Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Bigwig Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Brukite Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Brukite Stone Texture Blueprint 0.28
    Brukite Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Brukite Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Brukite Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Burlap Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Burlap Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Burlap Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Caldorite Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Caudatergus Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Caudatergus Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Cbase Plastic Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Cbase Plastic Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Cbase Plastic Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Cersumon Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Coarse Frieze Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Coarse Frieze Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Coarse Frieze Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Coarse Frote Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Cobalt Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Cornundacauda Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Cornundos Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Cornundos Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Cornundos Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Cumbriz Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Cumbriz Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Cumbriz Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Erdorium Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Evenweave Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Evenweave Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.33
    Evenweave Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Exarosaur Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Exarosaur Leather Texture Blueprint 0.02
    Exarosaur Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Faucervix Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Faucervix Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Felt Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Felt Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Fine Frote Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Fine Frote Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Fine Leather Texture Blueprint 0.39
    Fine Silk Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Firn Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Flannel Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Flannel Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Flannel Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Flannel Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.02
    Flannel Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Formidon Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Foul Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Foul Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Foul Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Ganganite Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Gazzurdite Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Generic Leather Texture Blueprint 1.00
    Generic Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Generic Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Hammered Metal Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Hessian Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Hessian Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Himi Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Himi Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Itumatrox Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Kaldon Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Kaldon Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Kaldon Stone Texture Blueprint 0.07
    Lanorium Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Large Striped Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint 1.00
    Large Woven Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Large Woven Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Large Woven Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Medium Frieze Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Medium Frieze Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.19
    Megan Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Mermoth Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Mermoth Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Mourner Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Mourner Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Narcanisum Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Nissit Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Nissit Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Nissit Stone Texture Blueprint 0.04
    Nissit Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Nissit Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Nissit Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Oxidized Aluminium Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Oxidized Iron Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Oxidized Lysterium Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Ribbed Velvet Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Ribbed Velvet Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Ribbed Velvet Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Ribbed Velvet Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Rough Metal Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Rutol Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Rutol Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Rutol Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Sabakuma Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Sabakuma Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Sabakuma Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Satin Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Satin Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Snablesnot Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Snarksnot Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Soft Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Soft Leather Texture Blueprint 0.68
    Stinktree Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Striped Frote Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Striped Frote Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.02
    Suede Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Tantardion Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Terrycloth Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.05
    Thermodure Plastic Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Thermodure Plastic Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Tight Knitted Wool Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.40
    Tight Knitted Wool Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Trutun Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Velvet Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
    Velvet Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01

    Ambulimax Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.37
    Ambulimax Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.15
    Berycled Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.60
    Berycled Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.51
    Berycled Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.09
    Berycled Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.22
    Canvas Fabric Texture Blueprint (L) 0.22
    Canvas Fabric Texture Blueprint (L) 0.17
    Canvas Fabric Texture Blueprint (L) 0.23
    Canvas Fabric Texture Blueprint (L) 0.38
    Combibo Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.43
    Combibo Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.17
    Combibo Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.62
    Copper Texture Blueprint (L) 0.38
    Copper Texture Blueprint (L) 0.62
    Copper Texture Blueprint (L) 0.40
    Copper Texture Blueprint (L) 0.65
    Fine Frieze Fabric Texture Blueprint (L) 0.14
    Fine Frieze Fabric Texture Blueprint (L) 0.51
    Gradivore Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.12
    Gradivore Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.40
    Large Ribbed Wool Fabric Texture Blueprint (L) 0.56
    Large Ribbed Wool Fabric Texture Blueprint (L) 0.32
    Longu Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.11
    Longu Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.32
    Longu Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.25
    Longu Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.12
    Longu Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.26
    Longu Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.14
    Longu Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.19
    Lysterium Texture Blueprint (L) 0.08
    Nexnecis Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.18
    Nexnecis Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.30
    Tantillion Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.11
    Tantillion Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.49
    Plumatergus Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.35
    Polished Chrome Texture Blueprint (L) 0.48
    Polished Chrome Texture Blueprint (L) 0.64
    Polished Chrome Texture Blueprint (L) 0.28
    Prancer Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.48
    Prancer Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.43
    Prancer Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.59
    Prancer Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.07
    Quantium Texture Blueprint (L) 0.47
    Quantium Texture Blueprint (L) 0.25
    Quantium Texture Blueprint (L) 0.39
    Quantium Texture Blueprint (L) 0.21
    Tezlapod Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.22
    Tripudion Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.25
    Tripudion Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.41
    Tripudion Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.67
    Turp Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.47
    Turp Leather Texture Blueprint (L) 0.14
  2. hey :)

    I'll take the texlapod bp and maybe some of the longu. I havenn't been buying the longu bps in auction lately because the return isn't that great as opposed to the cost of the bp.

    Let me know if you want to meet someplace in game and I'll at least get the tez bp from you :)
  3. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    Hey :) I would have prefered to sell them as a bunch (all (L) together and all not L together). But tell me how much you offer for the ones you want!

    :) Ty
  4. all L together is ok, I'm sure I will use them at some point.

    you can pm me a price. :)
  5. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    Everything is SOLD!

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