Dealing With Kill Stealers during Migration...

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by HardWrath, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. So every migration, no matter how good MindArk makes the spawns, no matter how spread out, no matter how dense, some people will do whatever possible to exploit MindArk's systems to gain a financial advantage, including Kill Stealing.

    KSing is an exploit, make no mistake. If you spend peds damaging a mob and taking armor decay but then someone purposefully comes along, ignores mobs standing right next to them that no one has shot, and then starts shooting your mob there is a specific reason. That reason is they are trying to save themselves a few ped on the kill... at your expense. It is an exploit in the system that MindArk has created.

    I shouldn't have to use my top DPS all of the time, especially when hunting small Longtooth. Small LT are the perfect mob for skilling Melee, MindForce, and other professions that most of us are a bit lower in skilled on. With that said, I do make a point to bring a 80-90 DPS weapon with me to deal with the occasional Kill Stealer and for most of them, that's sufficient.

    So we can deal with KSers in various ways. We can out DPS them and we can ask them in chat to stop. For most that works, but others continue, so then we can move to a different area... but then some will follow you. Some still continue, so you can argue it in chat.. but then some still continue and this is the point in which it breaks the EULA because they are ruining the game play experience of other participants.

    At this stage after experiencing this, some people will get into an all out argument in chat with the KSer, leave the hunting area completely, do mob trains, call in others from their soc and form a team, file a support case, etc.

    Today I decided to try something new, using new features that MindArk has made available.

    First, I opened Contacts and unchecked all the radio buttons except for "Nearby"


    From there you can click on the persons name and navigate your way to Society Info about their soc just the same as if you were at the society terminal. Most good societies will boot a member for this kind of behavior but every once in awhile, it's the society leader who is doing it

    So in situations like this, its easy to condemn an entire society, especially when its the soc leader/founder who is acting like this because one would assume this isnt the first time this has happened. Yet, in this example I recognize some of these names and believe they are good people. So maybe they just dont know?

    So with the new features available to us, I also opened up my Message Center which is the little button that looks like a WiFi logo on the top left of our screens. While standing out among the LongTooth spawn, I composed a new message and using the list of society members, I sent an offline message to every person in that society I possibly could. Thankfully we can send bulk messages to numerous people at once.

    I think the normal reaction people would have to this is to message me back and ask questions and ask for proof. Instead the reaction I got was one of the Sanctuary Colonels, Alan Moe Malcolmson, decided to come help his society leader Ericarrie Saoirse Saoirse by finding me in the LT spawn, waiting until I tagged a mob, and then started shooting it himself.

    So at this stage, I'm just not gonna play their game, a small chat argument ensued and ended like this


    From that point, I just stood there without moving, shooting, or doing anything until they got bored and left. I suppose I could have asked others in my soc to come help with DPS but thats a bit childish.

    Unfortunately until MindArk starts more diligently enforcing its own harassment policies, there just isn't a whole lot we can do aside from spreading awareness of these issues. Thus, here we are in this thread.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  2. Unfortunately, there's probably not a damn thing you can do except out dps your opponent and do over 50% damage to the mob in question before others do. Mindark likes it that way since it makes them more decay ultimately due to massive overkill over the course of events of this nature...

    This type of shit is exactly why you won't see too many globals for me on silly little trackers... too much gambling risk involved in going big playing the poker game you are playing. You could win big but you also could lose your ass unless you have some extra aces (exploits, immoral pals on friend list willing to help you exploit, friends in low places behind the scenes working for you, etc.) stored up your sleeves somewhere.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2014
  3. I agree that MindArk usually does little to nothing in these situations, with their response usually ending with a simple warning email. This is a big reason why when people spot this kind of behavior its important they shine a big light on it. Unfortunately its up to us as players to do something about it.
    • Hussked Hussked x 1
  4. This Entropia should start acting more like a game and less of an investment pool
    Nothing wrong with an assist kill

    The only thing I agree with is the following green dots and continuous harassment after moving or asking them to stop then it deserves a report for harassment or temp ban.

    Talking about exploits KS is not, Now cheat engine was and a lot was possible with it.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2014
  5. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    Well, make them shared loot, problem solved !
    Come to Arkadia Underground to see how that works :)
  6. When you take advantage of game mechanics in order to gain/save financially at the expense of other players, it is in fact an exploit.
  7. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Well, at least since the introduction of shared loot kill stealing can't really be an exploit anymore. Shared loot and non-shared loot mobs should work like that on purpose, as a result of a design decision you can agree or disagree with. Just like PVP in space. But, imo, design options should be used more consciously, for example shared loot for every mob, except for purposely creating situations in which players are supposed to compete with each other, including "kill-stealing".

    Imo the real issues exist on another dimension, namely that all EU is purely pay-to-win.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. My only problems with shared loot are that only one person gets mission credit for the kill and more importantly, you likely wont be the one who gets any items of value that loot.
  9. Well, it turns out that Alan Mo has created a new thread on the topic over at PCF

    What a joke.

    That is the guy that came to help his society leader kill steal from me.

    Saoirse from Sanctuary is the one that originally KSed me several times. Alan Mo is the member of Sanctuary that came right after, stood right next to me shooting only what I shot at, waiting to shoot until I shot. Furthermore, what I learned last night is that Spassy from Sanctuary also came out there and ran mob trains on members if my society that had nothing to do with any of this.
  10. From over on PCF:

    Its quite the twisted perspective that he has here.

    I really question the sanity of a person who first tries to kill steal, fails to do enough DPS, and then tries to accuse the hunter that originally had started doing damage to the mob of being the kill stealer.

    Based on the conversations that I have had with some of the people in Sanctuary, they dont all agree with your opinion of not having to save face and being able to do whatever you want.

    A society leader is accountable to the members of his/her own society... plain and simple. It seems that you are lying in order to save face in front of them.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2014
  11. Point taken taken, there is no use trying to reach out and bring awareness to such a person as hardwrath who will shoot down, belittle, inmidate and name call everyone who does not meet his own agenda in obstructing him to get his own way in giving a point without validity, validity.

    It is better to let such power-tripping ego-mad driven control-freaks as Hardwrath have their podium, make their noise and do not interact with their opinions of what they feel is right and wrong from their viewpoint in the form of open debate and eventually let them run out of steam having their tanty.

    On a personal note,

    in future I will let such people of Hardwrath's behavioural type just run out of steam by ignoring thiem, then will let a sleeping dog lay there after.

    In light of this, all post relating to bring awareness to his behaviour on EP and his negative social actions onto and over other members of EP shall be deleted with three reasons; Firstly he has demonstrated he lacks the aptitude to fathom the such, secondly the time is not right for him to make such progress in life and thirdly the posts are now taken out of order and the thread they were intended for, no longer being in context and having the intended impact


    (Original Posted content replaced)
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2014
  12. You are aware that Longtooth aren't located in PVP, right?
  13. Point taken taken, there is no use trying to reach out and bring awareness to such a person as hardwrath who will shoot down, belittle, inmidate and name call everyone who does not meet his own agenda in obstructing him to get his own way in giving a point without validity, validity.

    It is better to let such power-tripping ego-mad driven control-freaks as Hardwrath have their podium, make their noise and do not interact with their opinions of what they feel is right and wrong from their viewpoint in the form of open debate and eventually let them run out of steam having their tanty.

    On a personal note,

    in future I will let such people of Hardwrath's behavioural type just run out of steam by ignoring thiem, then will let a sleeping dog lay there after.

    In light of this, all post relating to bring awareness to his behaviour on EP and his negative social actions onto and over other members of EP shall be deleted with three reasons; Firstly he has demonstrated he lacks the aptitude to fathom the such, secondly the time is not right for him to make such progress in life and thirdly the posts are now taken out of order and the thread they were intended for, no longer being in context and having the intended impact


    (Original Posted content replaced)
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2014
  14. It does thanks, and I'm glad we are back on topic.

    I often hunt in PvP amongst other players, both in shared loot and non-shared loot situations and in PVP I don't have any problems with people Kill Stealing.
  15. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Some post of this thread have been moved to in an attempt of applying moderation.

    Please try to stay on topic in any thread, please take continuing potential personal issues to private conversations (these have most features also available in forum threads, for example multiple participants, feel free to invite a moderator).

    If content has been moved that is on topic and not related to potential personal issues please re-post it.
  16. Well, even though I've not been experiencing it, I'm hearing from a lot of people about wide spread blatant kill stealing in the Minopolis Longtooth spawn. It's kinda frustrating that people don't know how to stop acting like a douchbag
  17. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    As far as I understand from past communication by MA, the amount of support cases about the same issue is used as one factor to assess the importance of an issue.

    So how about setting up a standard message all people who are concerned about killstealing can send to MA in a support case, for example:

    And while we are at it, how about a "loot distribution manifesto":

    * drop rare UL items with minimum TT value only
    * do not drop 2 rare items in one loot
    * do not drop "good" loot in "waves" but ensure equal distribution over time
    * etc etc etc
  18. As Tass has pointed out and has offered a letter to help in the process of, and as I pointed out earlier;

    If your experiencing an issue that is impeding your enjoyment of the game, use the correct channels to make your case and get somewhere with the case presented if it is valid and holds weight.

    This is a more effective way to bring about the changes you would like to see rather than putitng down those who may just be participating in terms of 'competitive' gameplay and attacking members on EP with differing opinions in reference to such an event with rewards attached.

    For now, there is not much you can do about the discomfort you and others are experiencing this time around other than to take this course of action.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2014
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