Well.. 1 ML 35 down the shitter after a teir 2 failure.. I'll have to get permission before I can post the name of the person who lost it, but holy cow Nice system eh?... Makes me wonder if they want to get rid of UL items.
They said that it's intented to have this possibility to drain the system (and balance the number of items in circulation). We know that some of the uber items that exist in game, were not 'created' by MA themselves. There were some players who managed to duplicate some of their items (due to a bug), and I'm pretty sure that if someone attempts to tier up those items, MA will take them out of circulation.
I knew about the duplcating bug thing, but not the MA "drain the system statement".. If someone had lost a duplicated item I wouldn't feel too bad.. Unfortunately this person bought the 2nd item..
Yes, true! And I believe that's the reason why MA left those items in game in the first place. Anyway, that's just an example, but other items (even if not duplicated, even if not uber items) will be lost during the tier upgrading process. In fact, it has already began!
System is working as advertised. The player in question decided to risk the item, for the second time mind you, and lost it to a failure. That's what they said could happen. Anyway, the player still had 2 left, and is trying to flog the 1.9 tier one for massive consolation price ;) Don't risk it if you don't want to lose it.... it's in the noob manual.
The Tier upgrade has 5% chance to make you lose the item. 2 days ago "someone" lost a 4000 ped riffle in the process. That's crap My personal opinion: i will never Tier up my UL items. I don't want to risk losing more peds than now. In 2 years i had 1 hunting global (70 ped) and deposited over 500 dollars. Funny, isn't it?
I was active for 4 years. For over two years I had nothing. At that point I had been in Temporal Destinies soc and hit my first 2 Globies. I started depositing around that time and explored those possibilities. It was a slow Process. My firts Hof was on a Big Daik, at Emerald Lakes Mall. But in my third year, I was being notices a lot LOL, steadilly climbing on Tracker. The thing is when your skills are High it is usefull to go insane for hours either on mining and hunting, or both at the same time. And be willing to finance your virtual activities. Right now I have little experience on this new system and how it may influence the dynamics and loot-pool. But in the past, good-ol-days , it paid off to amp your gear up, especially Limited items and Limited amps, whether it be weaponry or finders. We found Hoffing happens more at a high skill level when doing so. The tir system....duno, time only and patience I suppose. It will be usefull , when someone in the near future hit the record insane ATH, to obtain detailed info of the used gear including tir Lvls , skills etc.
It's a question of perspective I guess. I think I may have been a bit dazzled by the BO. Anyway, don't mind me, I'm just a spectator ;)