There's already a discussion going on on EF after Marco posted it there - but I don't mind saying the same here... It is great to see devoted members of the community creating things for the rest of us. Using it as marketing material however, is after my opinion wrong. With the money MA should earn by now, with all the new planets coming up, with a record in virtual sales etc. it would be much more appropiate if MA spent money on a proff marketing bureau to make some awesome marketing material to sell the game through. I don't mind if MA is using this on their website as a marketing stunt too - BUT they should definitely not forget to make the right stuff which might actually attract new players. Hat off for the work people put into making these videos though - on top of a lot of other things members of the community does to self promote the game - but I believe MA should also pay their share and give us something back we can be proud off. Too many companies forget the importance in using money on correct marketing and advertising. Believing your product in itself is good enough to sell is wrong - and will back stap you at a point!
I'm dubious about new planets, personally. There are 2 with ND as spokesman... hmm I think I've heard of that before. 1 with the Thai govenrment as co-sponser, hmmm, but that goverment has changed since the anouncement.. seems like that government changes pretty much yearly. And another in communist China which just did a "crack down" on gold farmers, and isn't looking very friendly toward outside communications between it's citizens and the rest of the world. In addition MA restarted the "killing monsters" business. More ads that aren't ads. I'm queasy :( On the other hand MA is a fine upstanding company with a very good track record... except that bankruptcy thing, a while back. BTW what is this EF of which you speak? :D
A while ago i contacted MA with a message to aknowledge and aplaud players like bambuco who have done amazing things at promoting the game online. Players in the past, who have done such great Youtube vids and artickles, are NOT MA employees and recieve NO royalties, just recognition for their talents. This may have impeded MA mentality to go higher and mainstream when it comes to Promotional advertizing. It may also be that they thought to save a lot of money by not doing it the way it should. The time has caught up with MA and they are sortoff forced now to step onto the Main plate and limelight.
A new participant made promotion video for Planet Calypso is available here: >
MA's site claims this news is from 28th December, yet I don't recall seeing it there before. Also the youtube comment posts only started a day ago, so I think MA's news page is trying to backdate news items now. :hehe:
I personally think that FPC should not use usermade stuff since it makes the game look like crap vs other games using Mr. T and William Shatner
Maybe you have seen it before here If i have got it right it was the winning trailer from the trailer contest, they had to change the music because it was copyrighted. Btw a good video trailer for a hobbyist, but a bit odd for a company, but unbeatable cheap i think :)
I agree, it is a shame to rely upon players to create the advertising for a commercial company. I much preferred the Sayah King video promoting planet Calypso. Bring back Sayah King!!! Bring back Sayah King!!! :hehe:
Hi all... I liked the video alot, thought it had an 'as it happened' quality - gratz Burgerman for posting it up. It showed some of the cryengine really well, so at least that's working:)