Helloes all :) We have been working on a new layout. The style is kept in the calm blue colours, but it's a little more bright and positive. The logo is the same as before, but the banner is new and shows a planet(orb) over (close to) a planet. The two together - one mysterious and dark water - the other bright orb, but still it somehow drags you towards it - like two seperated things but still together as one ... (or you can also make your own artistic analyze :D) YOU MIGHT PRESS CTRL+F5 TO REFRESH THE SITE TO SEE IT! Hope you like it :) Lykke
Unfortunately that is normal :( It might refresh itself at a point ... I forgot to tell, that the fav icon also is changed and the other little icons on the forum :) Thanks for the input Pirx, now the others knows what to do to see the new things faster :D
looks nice, but as you can see by the pic I have uploaded (and needs approval by the admin, so cant post it yet) it lines out to the left and with a wide screen that looks kinda weird. Maybe you can make it to center some how, that would be much nicer I think. Even better would be if it stretches with the screen size, but that is probably not possible. Anyway, good job !! [edit] image added [\edit]
I approved the image, and reset permissions so that is no longer required. As for the sizing, the nun can probably whip up some thin little spacer that would continue a similar pattern. Thanks for bringing this to our attention
Thanks for your inputs :) I am not sure it's this simple. The spacer wont do it - that would make the picture look weird :) What is needed is a fixed right-side - and I'm not sure how to do that - but I will find out (maybe not tonight - but I will work on it ;) ) You must have a wider screen than most people though, Razer, because mine is normal and it doesn't move at all here??
It's a bit smaller than the rest of the forum for me, too. change to to make it show up in the middle (well, centered - or "right" to align it with the right side) However, this aint the best solution, maybe limit the page width to the header image width to have it nicely aligned... You might as well stretch it via CSS, but i doubt it will still look good then.
My guess is this is caused by making the style fluid instead of fixed. I.e. using a dynamic width specified in % instead of a number pixels. Both have their drawbacks, one of which became quite obvious by this. Fixed means the whole screen is filled, fluid means this can happen. How does it look on EF for you, if you have such resolution? Just out of curiosity. Perhaps that will allow us to figure out where to look. We're fairly new to the whole styling business, and just altered a premade style we found somewhere to our needs. I'm sure that with a bit of playing, though, we'll manage to eventually figure it out. Luckily, that's the Nun's job, as I hate CSS, layouts and styling with a passion. I'm a coder. If it works and displays the correct information, then some graphics geek (hi nun ) can make it look nice.
Yeah, css is a pain in the ass, especially all the incompatibilities (<= IE 7) EF has a fixed page width, which looks a bit odd on a widescreen, as the content covers only half the page for me. (1366 pixel width here) There is no real way to combine a fixed width image with a fluid design, but you could use a technique called "sliding doors" to fill up the space between the image and the forum borders. (a table cell background image to fill up the space, which will only show up "behind" the header when needed)
well, everything is aligned to center, as far as I can see - so I can't do anything about that. I could use that background border, but I'm afraid it will look silly ... anyway, playing around with it now .. (the site ... )
The table cell content isnt - see my quotes - i have no idea 'bout the internals of vBulletin tho, might require to hack the original php files. However, a simple solution would be to make the cell background a color that matches the image - and an elegant solution would be to expand the picture to like 2000 pixels and place it inside a div with overflow:hidden. Just PM me if you need my help :)
I've used the sliding doors in the past, but I have to admit I'm really not keen on trying to somehow inject that stuff into the vB templates, especially not knowing vB is about to do major overhauls to their platform in the next few weeks. I'll see if I can research some more. Your help is appreciated, though, wizz. Maybe I can set up a test forum and we can work on that to see if we can figure it out, and worst case scenario, we just request paid help. I wouldn't mind paying for the skin and chuck the styler a few quid to customize things a little for us.
Forget what i said about sliding doors, i'm not a friend of such obscure tricks either. It's for sure not on the top priority list, but maybe try a larger image - just add some plain white space on the right - and check if it is already set to overflow:hidden or if it sticks out on the right / stretches the content.
As the forum is variable width, and the top banner image is not, I would suggest feathering/blending the left/right edges into the same background color so that it blends in regardless of what width anyone views the forum.
Man, looks like I opened a can of worms here :) Not very experienced with all of this, but making the forum a max. with or 970pix (with of the pic) with a empty frame on both sides sounds like the best option for me. This would however give horizontal scroll bars when your screen is smaller then 970 pix, but hey who has they these days right ;)
Fixed! With great help from Wizzszz the Wizard, we now managed to get the top fixed to center THANK YOU WIZZSZZ
The new top banner looks great, but... I'm having troubles with it... See... I always find myself trying to scroll up to see the top of the orb... anyone else with same problem ? geez ... It looks great ! gz :)