MA: Merry Mayhem Winners List

Discussion in 'Entropia News' started by EP-Newsbot, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. Here are the top ten places from Merry Mayhem 2009 in all four categories. The rest of the list (11-200) will be published by the start of next week. The prizes will be placed in the inventories of the winners between the 13th and the 15th of January 2010. Note that participants that exceeded the time limit, used skill chipping or did not meet the professional standings qualification, are already taken away from the list. Congratulations!

  2. 1 thing that really pisses me off is that so few people did a serious attempt to win, including me. I could have hunted chomper for a few hours and ended top 10. I noticed people didnt care as much this year but I didnt think people would care this little
  3. Listed the winners stats and prizes. Here you go and gratz to the winners

    Category 1
    Name - Points - Time - Prize

    1. Angel Jane mms - 107,324 - 29h23m - Mayhem Helmet + Full set of Jaguar Armor, SGA Edition
    2. UafUaf BauBau HaulesBaules - 96,591 - 29h54m - Mayhem Helmet + Full set of Boar Armor, SGA Edition
    3. danotti magic pandora - 65,016 29h43m - Mayhem Helmet + Full set of Vigilante Armor, SGA Edition
    4. Adriano Pilu angelo - 57,377 - 27h57m - Mayhem Helmet
    5. Frugal jay Freska - 57,371 - 27h57m - Mayhem Helmet
    6. mathijs sway boards - 51,574 - 29h23m - Mayhem Helmet
    7. Andrei mrproper Andone - 41,611 - 26h27m - Mayhem Helmet
    8. Deadly Gogo Yubari - 38,650 - 29h22m - Mayhem Helmet
    9. Orez Chinezu OG - 37,446 - 22h39m - Mayhem Helmet
    10. Zion Cyklo Vernito - 28,2909 - 14h20m - Mayhem Helmet

    Category 2
    Name - Points - Time - Prize

    1. don waheed johansen - 91,195 - 29h20m - Mayhem Helmet + Full set of Angel Armor, SGA Edition
    2. Dexer Coult Hard - 71,950 - 29h24m - Mayhem Helmet + Full set of Martial Armor, SGA Edition
    3. Imre imi White - 67,532 - 29h56m - Mayhem Helmet + Full set of Boar Armor, SGA Edition
    4. Einstein brainie brain - 66,350 - 29h58m - Mayhem Helmet
    5. Blower Needs JoePilar - 51,105 - 29h19m - Mayhem Helmet
    6. Solcar Pricey Lazroc - 49,131 - 28h56m - Mayhem Helmet
    7. hijacker hijacker27 inferno - 38,369 - 29h0m - Mayhem Helmet
    8. Jolinar Jol Aslak - 38,236 - 29h46m - Mayhem Helmet
    9. Kydde Fide Fascia - 38,164 - 29h4m - Mayhem Helmet
    10. Samanta Samanta Green - 36,504 - 29h42m - Mayhem Helmet

    Category 3
    Name - Points - Time - Prize

    1. Doug Blond Wana - 89,120 - 29h52m - Mayhem Helmet + Land Area
    2. Kamel Hmm Vafan - 56,119 - 29h37m - Mayhem Helmet + Full set of Shadow Armor, SGA Edition
    3. Andova andie the Wise - 49,329 - 29h48m - Mayhem Helmet + Full set of Martial Armor, SGA Edition
    4. Some Extra Damage - 44,562 - 28h24m - Mayhem Helmet
    5. James MiniMe Bond - 23,848 - 29h52m - Mayhem Helmet
    6. Brastem Sendaran Funkaros - 15,158 - 29h51m - Mayhem Helmet
    7. Chipi Chipiron Chipinota - 12,135 - 28h3m - Mayhem Helmet
    8. Baldur Baldur Berserk - 9,003 - 29h13m - Mayhem Helmet
    9. Jack Djonator Wolfskin - 7,748 - 26h22m - Mayhem Helmet
    10. Raven Oracle Li - 7,112 - 29h9m - Mayhem Helmet

    Category 4
    Name - Points - Time - Prize

    1. Jill Lady Death Strike Valentine - 105,285 - 29h51m - Mayhem Helmet + Land Area
    2. Phoenix Conquista De la Nova - 75,520 - 29h53m - Mayhem Helmet + Full set of Eon Armor, SGA Edition
    3. Lodidodi directeur LFB Sytchev - 30,413 - 29h33m - Mayhem Helmet + Full set of Angel Armor, SGA Edition
    4. Scott DoctorH Joel - 22,285 - 29h36m - Mayhem Helmet
    5. Siobhan Siam Ameno - 15,920 - 29h36m - Mayhem Helmet
    6. Farglorn Snowflake Llwellyn - 2,160 - 4h58m - Mayhem Helmet
    7. Slate Shitkicker Sloan - 1,265 - 21h33m - Mayhem Helmet
    8. Fatacuida Lorfat Lorfat - 1,001 - 29h52m - Mayhem Helmet
    9. Dessa Dessa Dj - 888 - 23h11m - Mayhem Helmet
    10. Tarran Gos Hawk - 818 - 28h54m - Mayhem Helmet
  4. Who is Angel Jane mms's and UafUaf BauBau HaulesBaules main avatars though? :baby:
  5. is this the start of a trend aow winning everything starting from last month or so?

    still gratz to everyone
  6. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Here are the top ten places from Merry Mayhem 2009 in all four categories. The rest of the list (11-200) will be published by the start of next week. The prizes will be placed in the inventories of the winners between the 13th and the 15th of January 2010. Note that participants that exceeded the time limit, used skill chipping or did not meet the professional standings qualification, are already taken away from the list. Congratulations!

    • Like Like x 8
  7. Funny that category 4 (Chompers, for lvl 70+ players) were the easiest to get into top 10 in ;) Looks like everybody thought the same, with teaming allowed this year, that they wouldn't stand a chance against the big societies. For top 4 no (AoW, M2S, Warants and cK teams) but for the rest it was an open race apparently. I know Tarran Gos Hawk who finished 10 was doing small Chompers all solo for example. :)
    • Like Like x 9
  8. Anna

    Anna Master of the Universe

    Theres top10 person in cat4 with 5 hours of play.
    • Like Like x 7
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