
Beacon Mission (25 PED) Walkthrough [Part 5 of 6]

Part 4: [media] Part 6: [media] Hey Entropians! I've recorded a walkthrough/let's play of a 25 PED beacon run here on Calypso! Enjoy!

Larkin, Apr 10, 2012
    • Lord ZonEno
      Come join me Lord ZonEno, in my quest to become a masters of the universe. Build and develop your own virtual planet, transport your favorite pictures, music, art, videos, science, technology and educational systems into a workable 'universal internet platform'. Create your own virtual civilization, government and environmental infrastructures. The resources online and in outer space holds no limitations or boundaries,so use these resources to help develop your virtual world. Invite family members as well as friends to corporate in becoming inhabitants of your virtual world. Go beyond the basic internet social networks (facebook, youtube, myspace) and reach for the stars. When you find one you like, let's work together as master's of the universe to make it an imaginary reality. EntropiaPlanets can help transform your virtual world into that reality.
      For additional feedback, email:
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