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holy crap thats bad advertisement then.
This should sugest that they are working on it, just bit wrong to release such a add as it only leads to disapointment when ppl follow up on it.
treasure hunting? where? when? me want :D
hoverpod textures fixed
amazing, but 2014 brr long wait :P
gz but looks to me more like a greasy blobbed piece of paper, actualy looks like your whole friggin book been dipped in that gunk :D
if someone did loose 60k then hes stupid flying around in space with so much stackables, anyway no gun other the u got on your flying thingy is...
i would personaly buy second fastest becouse fastest is a realy waste of cash when u got seconds after 1 month anyway. depo the rest in the game...
not realy a suprize someone who just joined offering "software"
false advertising is not alowed in atleast netherlands that im sure of :P
who are you? (well u started it :frog:)
hey its my litle pet, i regulary wash its feet so it wont leave footprints all over the screen :D (it dos however work best on a white...
pvp pfft persons shoot persons so that would mean players who pvp are evil? or are they just enjoying themselves simular when playing some kind of...
im happy on arkadia, but from caly u can still siimply teleport to cp or foma to my best knowledge and so not needing to enter any pvp there. and...