:laugh: ok, every1 is entitled to his/her oppinion .... peace to ya bud :) and happy dreaming
Is on PCF as a rumor according his twitter :
Nice attitude at least :thumbsup: In theory "you can", as does any1 with a bit of game development know-how (is no rocket science ffs - see RT...
Welcome to DN m8 :D ... is a great crew & captain EFA ( offers scheduled warps at same price - downside : they only fly to SS, not...
Yes, keep decaying and sustain a PP trying to sell out ;) ... sometimes i wonder if some simply don't get it or they are more than meets the eye...
YES !!! I second this proposal ! ... very very good innitiative to have custom colors available on NI only - as I said before the NI devs do have...
Was huntin high maturity Snow Drakes today ... was not huntin them since before last VU ... and couldn't help notice they seemed changed...
Well, I have to admit I love the changes in loot distribution, the new BPs and the AG accessible TP @cave, so a big :thumbsup: to the devs for the...
A decay test would be nice ... P3 has good stats but last for about 1K shots, thus making it's MU unworthy in current crafting requirements...
Yep, minotaur heads are now the new issue :D ... very poor drop rate as far as I tested. Also ... what about those bloodstones ? :confused: ......
No, they are not. Only NI swords, both L and UL ones, can be used in AG.
For a sec there u gave me the chills :p ... glad nothing got "nerfed" and hope it stays that way :D Looking on the bright side though, u did...
Think it can be ... u can place them in Auction with enhancers on, so most prolly u can trade them too ... I do not have a shopkeeper, thus I...