Seems to have been a good week for me:) especially because someone musta liked the rancher hat for the 6As:) Anyone intrested?
Quite a few more trades added now and a rancher worth 123 ped according to pe auction if anyones intrested!!!
A couple more trades added and hopefully more to come tonight.
lol thanks :) and I sure will.
Just got a massive boost in trades 12 and 13
Ok cool:) I am hanging around PA all thre time so just pop your head in there and see me spamming lol Plus have updated it now so have 10 trades...
I decided to do it and just show people I am serious hopefully after months of doing it everyday people will then be more willing I had a great...
Yes I know you may all think yes another LAME one of these. I am now doing it myself started last night and made 6 trades total. Unlike others I...
gratz I have just been skilling on basic filters and waiting on a global lool
Wow finally lol and that must have been like 1 ped away from a global surely lol gratz gratz gratz
gratz nice for some lol any tips? hehe
I also was thinking of doing this as it seems a good idea plus I would regularly update etc and would eventually complete it. But was scared at...
Lol I killed her in the ring and they are serving well vivo bit slow though:( but I reached 500 first aid with it. Now I am extremely low on peds....
I have now upgraded to a katsuichi valor man this weapon bites lol a crit hit of 130.1 then that mob gave me m 3rd global. Is expensive decay...