While we're at it you could try this lol...
This might help it's running now.
Just curious when did they remove the deeds? Although unlikely they might offer some compensation with something like a nova fragment(sounds about...
Totally agree, coolest guy ever!! I had a blast talking with him.
Good initiative adding a audio back story! Subscribed to the YouTube channel and listened to them as soon as they came out. Took me months...
As far as I can tell, he means you're left with items with a monetary value in EU.. Where as if you were playing a subscription fee you'd be left...
Good move Ms9, good move ;)
Well I saw it coming but wth man =(
Thanks Tass that cleared things up :)
Might be wrong but that looks like a beacon mission.
For those that would like to support Iron Sky 2 I'll leave this link HERE.
"Hi Kim, thank for taking my question. Your last comment about hangars sent hangar owners into a pit of despair. In your opinion will a ray of...
It will be a biological weapon/cure.
Well not sure if this means anything but I noticed that "Theryon Wars" and "Planet Toulan" is among this list but Next Island is not. Link...