I guess that would depend on many things. How long ago you were there, what kinds of things you like and so on. But since I came there about a...
Aha, then good, makes sense I didn't understand it lol And yes, they are all TPs. Very few outposts here without a TP. So yeah, they are.
Yeah, I don't understand much of that language at all lol. But if you want the numbers as links, I'll happily send them in a message ingame. =)...
Two locations have changed name, and I can see now I did't put them in the right alphabetical place lol. (<-- or correct english) I can message...
Ajoite Ridge [Next Island, 125046, 88557, 270, Waypoint] Ancient Ruins [Next Island, 138557, 82988, 163, Waypoint] Daudomaur Bog [Next Island,...
Sure, I can post them here, I just thought it was more of a hassle, since it's just numbers out here in the real world, and not links lol. Perhaps...
The forum part of their website is working better now. I saw that I can get into settings finally, yay! And the time is accurate, when a post was...