Eon Harness (M)

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Lorfat, 13 Sep 2010.

  1. Lorfat

    Lorfat Bad Looter King

    Selling this nice armor harness:

    SB: tt+8k PED
    BO: tt+10k PED

    P.S. I'm interested in a Jungle Stalker, if any of you want to trade it.
  2. Lorfat

    Lorfat Bad Looter King

  3. Lorfat

    Lorfat Bad Looter King

  4. Lorfat

    Lorfat Bad Looter King

  5. Lorfat

    Lorfat Bad Looter King

  6. Lorfat

    Lorfat Bad Looter King

    Item will go to auction soon. Until then, bumpers...
  7. Lorfat

    Lorfat Bad Looter King

  8. Lorfat

    Lorfat Bad Looter King

  9. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    • Like Like x 1
  10. Lorfat

    Lorfat Bad Looter King

    Thanks, Tass!
    I guess I have difficulties catching up with all available EP features.

    Armor is now listed in EntropiaPlanets Classifieds. :afro: <--- this emote-icon rulez, btw.

    P.S. I struggled a bit to understand how to offer SB/BO option. I hope I got it right!
  11. Lorfat

    Lorfat Bad Looter King

  12. Lorfat

    Lorfat Bad Looter King

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