Ore Amps

Discussion in 'Professions and Skills' started by ravv, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. Hello fellow forum readers ;)
    I wrote this message to mindark cause i couldnt figure it out ingame.


    Ehm i have been trying to figure out what the difference is between the ore amps:

    101 - 98 bombs
    102 - 90 bombs

    outside of the price of course.

    And for how long they last.

    But the explanation is nowhere to be found..
    Not even on forums of entropia sites.

    Could u perhaps clarify ??

    Do i have more deposit when i use a 109 or do i find more if i use a 109 instead a 101??

    hope u can clarify.

    Kind Regards,

    The only thing i got back was this:
    Our basic idea about not revealing too much (other than the Participants Guide on the website) about In-World features is that we want to promote interaction and communication between participants, a unique aspect of the virtual universe.
    Entropia Universe is made to resemble the real world in as many aspects as possible. In the real world we donĂ¢??t have a set manual either, but we follow experiences and advice of others. We do, however, provide a basic guide for new arrivals which can be found here: http://www.planetcalypso.com/guides/new-arrivals/. Please make sure you click on all the links on the left hand side to have a better idea of all your posibilities. There are also several Entropia Universe related forums, where you might find answers to such inquiries.
    Kind regards,
    Entropia Universe Support

    completely useless since its just the basic guide what u need to mine.

    Does some one here maybe know the answer to my question and is willing to share this information??

    Kind Regards,
    Xara (ravv)
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  2. Anna

    Anna Master of the Universe

    • Like Like x 8
  3. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Thanks Anna. :ok:

    The entropedia site is definately worth adding to your favourites, as there is so much information and detail stored there regarding almost every item and mob in Entropia.
    As far as I know, most of the data such as decay, economy, efficiency etc was calculated ingame by many players investing a lot of time, effort and peds to gather and share this info. I am humbled by, and am very appreciative of their efforts gathering so much information that MA would never have revealed.

    Ravv, as to whether you find more using a 101 or 109 amp, I think that depends on your skills, location, if you recently deposited $, if the Earth is aligned with Mars, and a substantial amount of luck.
    Personally I found of the lower level amps the oreamp 102 and enmat amp 101 worked well. Enmat amp 102 seemed bugged, not sure if that is still the case.

    By using a higher level amp I reckon it basically just increases the potential size of the mineral deposit IF you find something. Higher cost amp/higher decay so fewer uses/greater risk offset by possible better finds. Standing on one leg and holding your breath while dropping a bomb/probe might increase your success rate.

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  4. LOL..

    well thank u Anna and Burgerman..
    atleast i got a little information out of it..

    so i will use ore amp 101 or 102 from now till i am an entropia master ;)

    MA said in the reply that skill does count for something but i find it hard to believe a lvl 200 miner would find more then a lvl 15 miner without amp.

    seeing it is based on random luck mostely
    • Like Like x 5
  5. Anna

    Anna Master of the Universe

    Luck defines how much you find, skill defines what you find.
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  6. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    I got both my towers with 105 finder and a 101 amp. But times and VU have changed drasticly since then.

    Also know of some huge finds with no amp and a tt finder so maybe it is just blind LUCK.
    • Like Like x 7
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