Anniversary Hunt Invitation

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by ChelaBias, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. Today is the 4th anniversary of my arrival on Calypso and I thought it would be nice to have a team hunt by way of a celebration (there's an original idea)!

    You are of course all invited. This could be with TT weapons or full on blast 'em with all you got depending on who turns up.

    I should be on-line shortly after 2200 MA time. Suggest meeting at PA to discuss what and where, unless you are on my FL or I am on yours in which case we can sort it out that way. Hope you can make it but don't feel obliged.
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  2. Anna

    Anna Master of the Universe

    I would really love to join but i think 22MA time is too late, its 1am here then and i got school now :(
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  3. Can it be Thursday the same time and not Today, only atm I have no weapons or armour as I sold it all to go into cars, but I could dep' and get an opalo + good amp + some goblin and do smaller mobs like snabbles or dakis...
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2010
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  4. Same here, unfortunately tonight is my 'out' night to go make music - would love to come along
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  5. I'll try and do it tonight and over the weekend :). Everyone happy?
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  6. Anna

    Anna Master of the Universe

    Yep :)
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  7. Like for Phunk it is my free day as well. But 2200MA time is perhaps possible :)
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  8. Would be good if you could make it, if not there is the weekend option :).
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  9. Anna

    Anna Master of the Universe

    I wont make it, too tired :(
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  10. I'll be there :)
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  11. Thanks to Trinity, Lindsie and Slarty for coming, this was a lot of fun. I had made a complete mess of the times and we started about 2030 MA, sorry about that. The hunt was not exactly financially rewarding but was very enjoyable, here is a picture of the team.

    Will sort one at the weekend for those who are interested, will post tomorrow.

    Attached Files:

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  12. Anna

    Anna Master of the Universe

    Sorry i couldnt make it, but i should be able to join you on weekend, just tell me when and where :)
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  13. Nice picture, I completely missed that Gugu wished us luck :(

    Will try to be there this weekend too, was fun and I have missed team hunting. Thanks Cee for inviting us, was a great initiative and a good idea :)
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  14. Something for the weekend? :)

    I should be available pretty much all day Saturday and possibly early Sunday morning. Based on that when would people like to do this?
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  15. I can make it for thursday or fri or sat 2200
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  16. Weekend sounds good - let us know time/place?
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  17. How about Saturday between 2000 and 2300 MA? People can join and leave as time allows.
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  18. If you again like to go for small troxes I would propose to go N of FT Ithaka. Enough of them, even some mature/old ones. No Tax and also revival is not that far away.
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  19. I can def' do sat between 2000 and 2200 at PA.
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  20. Anna

    Anna Master of the Universe

    Today 20 MA time is good for me, where shall we meet?
    • Like Like x 5
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