Roller Coaster

Discussion in 'Blogs' started by Sorven, Nov 24, 2010.

  1. Yeah, that's what I'd call EU, one big roller coaster. So, last time I wrote, I was down. Last night I had some good luck. After my first run with rookie finders I had a profit of a few PED, enough to do a small run with normal TT finders, so I decided, sure, why not. I went out with 8 bombs and 8 probes, not what I would define as a proper run, but it would do for now. I ended up getting mostly small (V) size finds, enough to make a small profit. So, I thought, hey, I can do a 10/10 run now, so I went to another location and dropped 10 bombs and 10 probes. The run was looking pretty bad (small run, easy to do), then the last probe hit an IX size find. Man, I love seeing those Xs in find sizes. With the profit from that run I did a 15/15 run and at about the 12th bomb I hit XII size find. I then stopped for the day, one, because it was time to stop and two, because if you continue going you're guaranteed to find the dry area at some point. :P

    I'm now set up for a 30/30 run when I play next, which is exciting because that was a normal small run for me once I got the hang of mining and had PED before. A more normal run is 50/50 or 100/100 depending on PED, but I hope to get there eventually. I know some people do huge runs, but as a non-depositor I have to move up slowly. Anyway, some advice today for others who try to do what I do, when you hit that low in the roller coaster, where returns are bad, the rookie finders are your friend, they can help you cheaply get by without having to do too much of the boring stuff.

    Oh! One more thought, yesterday must have been EU fruit day or something because on the first run I had almost as many fruit finds as I had claims. I also had a few dung claims as well, got about 190 more dung in my collection, which is over 800 now. I also had my smallest stone size find ever at a whopping 9 stones! I sold some of my fruit the other day to help me survive the low, but I have enough to do it again if things go bad, so we're set for a bit yet. :)
  2. khaos

    khaos DnB'addict

    So you were stealing all my finds and fruit :O
    Going nicely ;) Good luck!
  3. Sorvens love dung :)
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