Entropia Universe 2015 - the good, the bad, the ugly?

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by Tass, Feb 5, 2016.

  1. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    I've missed about all of EU's development in 2015.

    So what happened? New features? New content? Economy? Scams? Comnunity?
    • Like Like x 1
  2. There have been a l<removed: rule> and also <removed: rule 6848749.1515,4,5,64> and also <removed, rule 8=>>

    last edit by Kimjongunica
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2016
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. oh shit.. removed removed removed lol
  4. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    MA didn't post a "state of the universe" this year. My belief is there are no free staff available to do such things. They didn't really do much last year. Even the winter big ticket sale was a pre-existing item with slight stats and appearance mod.

    From vague memory (without checking accuracy), 2015 saw:

    - Strong Boxes
    - Cats and Dogs as Pets
    - The Reverse auction of the CLD's conversion to Land Plots
    - Land Plots that remained nothing but forgotten squares in the ground
    - Tree harvesting (nice addition but come on MA! This is fucking Cryengine for fucks sake!)

    2015 did not see:

    - Compets
    - Pet Battle Arenas
    - Space Courier Missions

    Last edited: Feb 6, 2016
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. With 2015 came the demise of WSS who at the end of 2015 owned 0 LAs.

    However linzey did loot 3 a epic and amazing guns by years end... So I guess he's still winning somehow thanks to MA
  6. Don't gee me started on Linzey
  7. Client optimization two or more times.
    When we talk about content I always hope in MA development/content not on PP content.
    Well it was already said by other players - now we can crash to desktop in more optimized way.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  8. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Cats & dogs as pets? :o Screenie or it didn't happen.

    Reverse auction of the CLD's conversion to Land Plots? Sounds weird. How does that work? And how do plots work? You can do something with them or is that scheduled for Q4 2016 and to be delivered 2018?

    And how does tree harvesting work? Any new gameplay or just standing in front of objects and click them 1000 times?

    And how did that Monria sale work out?

    How's space piracy these days?

    Did Warren Buffet react to that press release?

    How did CLDs develop? AUDs? Compet deeds? Any more of that stuff?

    Who owns PCF? I thought MA bought it? Or that entity that runs Caly? And did they pay a justified price with community deposited PEDs for community created content?

    Any news about the affiliate program or is it still an exclusive for EL/BIG Industries after 2-3 years?

    How is each planet doing? Any news about NI? RT is a "moon" thingie now? Cyrene hard launch?

    Any changes to New Player Experiences? How's the newbies' life in 2016? Retention... does it exist?

    Number of players? Up/down/same?

    What's planned for 2016? When's the next update? PP Content Release?
  9. FatherJack

    FatherJack El Diablo

    I looked into coming back again early last year but kitting up basic items was too just way to expensive for my liking so I bugged out I'm glad I did... invisible armour, com-pets(?) (pandas wtf!), stupid overpriced rings to sell to stupid people and a webshop that lets you totally avoid cycling peds... wtf MindArk what were you thinking - add to that the soul bound crap that has no place in a "real cash economy". Meh!. I kind of got pissed off, then I didn't because fuck them there are plenty more games to play.

    oh hello again!
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. Damn, when going through the list you just wrote, this indeed - is not the same game it was when I started playing...

    So many issues and things to talk about with the developers - but no platform, on which that could be achieved.

    Support cases including inquiries about these things are a joke - as they are treated as one - by MA support staff.

    In many other games the communication between the developer and the player - compared to MA's - is what a diamond jewel is to a coal pebble.

    And it wouldn't even be THAT necessary there,...

    But in a RCE environment to be unable to talk to devs on so many levels like you can't in EU case - is nothing more than just plain wrong.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  11. I don't get this either. Why would game developers not want to talk to their player base. I remember creating a poll about it and it was just ignored.
  12. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    Whenever they did in the past, it didn't really do much either. A lot of self-congratulating, a lot of promises-to-be-broken, and hardly ever did anything useful come out of it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Mega

    Mega Chaotic Good

    That is a very good point, obviously the priority for Calypso was to get the MM 2015 results out on time, but we are now in February and there hasn't been one.

    They need to release it this week, but will they? :dunno:
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  14. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    Yep, "Invisible Armor" was the main strike last year. They really must think of us as stupid dumb flesh. How stupid is this? This spammer here at EP ... OzTwo if I remember right ... told me: "You will come back sooner or later, Jamira." I gave him a laugh. Now I know: This game went to something I wouldn't touch with fingertips and protective gloves.

    • Hussked Hussked x 1
  15. Everything got summed up in Wistrels post. There is nothing to SEE here.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  16. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Cats & dogs as pets? :o Screenie or it didn't happen.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] more at http://www.entropiapets.com/ pictures from same source

    Reverse auction of the CLD's conversion to Land Plots? Sounds weird. How does that work? And how do plots work?

    I can't rightly remember, was something like the plots became available. There was a min number of CLDs needed to buy one, different sizes commanded a different number of plots minimum. MA started the bidding on each plot high and gradually reduced the number of CLDs needed till someone bought one (is that right? can someone confirm?) payment with CLDs did not "consume" the CLDs it just converted them to CLDX's (iirc) these still pay out dividends but cannot be used again to purchase a plot (since they are tied to an existing plot). The plots appeared in various areas, some nicer areas than others. There were various sizes. It was worth noting that you needed more than the originally advertised (way back when) 9 CLDS to get a plot. Was it 27 minimum?

    You can do something with them or is that scheduled for Q4 2016 and to be delivered 2018?

    Q3 or Q4 2015 iirc? (aka never)

    And how does tree harvesting work? Any new gameplay or just standing in front of objects and click them 1000 times?

    Not too sure on the details but vaguely: You get a tool from the TT. When you point it at an eligible tree a hard to see icon appears near the tree. You can then go use the tool to "saw at" the tree. This is just a noise though. When you use the tool you get bits of tree in your inventory. After some time the tree simply vanishes. I believe the vanishing is time determined ie X seconds after you first start to harvest it. You get skills and your tool decays similarly in value to the TT of the tree bits you collect. There are faster/better tools that are craftable that allow higher yield harvesting. Eligible trees are a certain different shade of green to normal trees meaning you can spot them without engaging the tool if you are sharp eyed and know what to look for. It is possible to fly about and try and spot the harvestable trees. There are 3 sizes of tree findable so far. I think they have different models? The tree parts I think were meant to be used in renovating the land plots but since that functionality never happened... yeh you get the picture. Despite all this, tree harvesting is strangely relaxing and plausible pass time in Entropia. I quite like it. Works well with an evening's exploration

    And how did that Monria sale work out?

    No idea

    How's space piracy these days?

    No idea

    Did Warren Buffet react to that press release?

    No idea

    How did CLDs develop? AUDs? Compet deeds? Any more of that stuff?

    CLDs see above. AUD's have increasingly better returns. No other news

    Who owns PCF? I thought MA bought it? Or that entity that runs Caly? And did they pay a justified price with community deposited PEDs for community created content?

    lol yeh when you put it like that...

    Any news about the affiliate program or is it still an exclusive for EL/BIG Industries after 2-3 years?

    I know that Entropia Partners have tried hard to get MA on board with what they do. They get a tolerant silence I believe.

    How is each planet doing? Any news about NI? RT is a "moon" thingie now? Cyrene hard launch?

    Cyrene hard launch was just a made up rumour so people didn't moan when they shrunk the planet. NI newbs now go to Caly I think... NI is apparently a forgotten bug fest. Apparently all gear can now be used in AG... if you can there - I think Time Travel may be bugged unless you already have the crystals or whatever it was. The TT weapons were removed and then shot up in value ;) Not sure about RT moon? I did shrink down but I don't know how that worked out.

    Any changes to New Player Experiences? How's the newbies' life in 2016? Retention... does it exist?

    Yeh new player stuff continues to improve. There is a fair whack of mission chain to get people into the game. I have on occasion hung out on Thule via my friend's avatar. There is a steady stream of new players showing up. There are a lot of new players around. The newbie areas of the game are busy. Ark CEO hinted things were better than ever on that score.

    Number of players? Up/down/same?

    I'd guess up.

    What's planned for 2016? When's the next update? PP Content Release?

    There is a count down to the beta release and final release of crumpets (compets). It is probably just a ploy to get more people to buy the deeds. There are no other plans and there was no state of the universe this year

    Hope that helps
  17. And how did that Monria sale work out?

    No idea

    Ask the new owner... http://monria.com/forum/

    There's at least one shop owner (previous shop owner?) running around the various forums that's pretty pissed off about the whole thing. Kinda funny reading his threads.
    How's space piracy these days?

    No idea

    Calypso's SS is full of pirates, but the rest of space is pretty empty.
    Did Warren Buffet react to that press release?

    No idea
    of course not... unless someone else knows something I don't. Maybe he's an uber avatar?
    supposedly if you own a compet deed you'll get invited to a beta thing for compet in March (although originally it was supposed to be 2015?!?)... so in a month or so we'll see how that goes?
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