I've just watched the pilot episode of the BSG prequel 'Caprica' on DVD. I'm not quite sure what to make of it yet - but some interesting bits of technology and BSG pickups. I wonder how many years it will take for the Entropia platform to evolve to the level of the V-Club fully immersive virtual world technology - 10 / 20 / 30 years? Anyone know if / when Caprica will make it to UK TV? So say we all Pennsif
Even if it does it will be on a weird times and time which they will keep changing! just like they did with bsg. I liked BSG but the times just messed it up.
Rookie Thanks for the info re Sky. Alas no Sky here, I'll have to try to net it somewhere. I tried on the US TV site but it detected that I wasn't from the US and wouldn't let me in Pennsif