Joda KS'ing....Kill stealing by WSS

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by Sunsout Gunsout, Feb 13, 2016.

  1. Is this Killstealing?
    So I just tp in (you can still see the bubble right when video starts)

    It is a spawn of 4 mobs that instaspawns....I normally would have left because its a small spawn, but it is an event, but since I saw who it was, I said, screw it, I am gonna kill these mobs too.

    I pull the first one, and he starts shooting it at about 75%.

    Obviously he does WAY more Dps than me.

    So my innocent little question is because this was only a 4 mob spawn, can he claim it as his, or if I shoot first and then he stops shooting and runs to my mob and starts shooting, is that killstealing?

    • Hussked Hussked x 1
  2. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Ive hunted that same spawn there during events while he was there and never had a problem. Im guessing your 'rivalry' might have something to do with it.
    And we all know MAs stance on it.
  3. Just got a 6 month ban on PCF for the same thread.
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  4. Mega

    Mega Chaotic Good

    I know, she is systematically destroying that forum. I even posted it a couple of weeks ago.

    There is a list:
    Rick England

    Stage 2 completed. She'd ban Oleg too (one of the few with a higher post count than yours truly) but for whatever reason he is very subdued of late, he has lost his passion for debate and so she cant find a reason to erase him.
  5. Serica said: "/mod note/
    About what I was thinking myself. I think Joda's clip shows very clearly that he was the target of extensive provocation and harassment.

    Posting of personal disputes is not permitted on PCF, as the threadstarter is well aware:

    Deliberately using this forum to cause drama and attack another player, after subjecting him to obvious provocation and harassment, is completely inappropriate conduct by any PCF member."

    So joda LIES and Serica beleives it and bans me for 6 months! Joda said that his clip of me harassing him was from before he KS me, and it clearly wasn't. In her response above you can see that even SHE is blaming me for starting it...but as the FULL video shows, I just landed and shot a mob and didnt say shit. SHE IS LYING WITH HIM, AND THEN BANS ME FOR 6 MONTHS. How impartial is that? What a joke.

    will put YT link once it uploads.

    I know I was wrong for harassing him AFTER he KS me, but the fact that he lies about it and serica doesn't care is disgusting.

    Ban me for starting the thread, Serica, but don't lie and say I provoked it in his video...his video was from AFTER he KS me, you are an unfair, biased "mod".
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2016
  6. Mega

    Mega Chaotic Good

    Can someone let Maygar know that he is more than likely next? He isn't on my friend list.

    I've no idea what she thinks she is trying to prove now, perhaps she has finally gone insane. :bduh:

    People do get 'sectioned' you know (in the old days they used to say "call the whitecoats" often pictured with an oversized net)

    I'll just watch and observe - you arent missing much Sunsout, pretty much all discussion is edited, deleted and soon after locked.

    It's drier there than a Jacobs Cracker in the middle of the Sahara lately.
  7. Ma owns forums. Time for support tickets as 711 won't do shit unless ma says to
  8. Of course it's KS. Seems obvious he wants to have spawn to himself plus fueled by dislike for you I'm sure.

    I can understand the locking the thread with the precedent that has been set about wanting to avoid ever mentioning names about anything it seems. It is good as warning though for people to be cautious hunting near Joda. 6 month ban seems bit crazy though.

    Also looks like you got some revenge with quad near him which probably hurts your case in some peoples minds.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. Let the hate flow through you... There should be a little chaos in-game to stir up competition and rivalry from time to time.

    I didn't see anything too abusive in the video, and I watched it in its entirety. You said that you were going to kill his mobs, meaning the mobs in the area, I assume, but he ended up killing yours, that you were actually shooting - never mind that he had two of his own mobs. I love that "This insta-spawn is mine and mine alone" attitude. From what I seen from his video, he is aggro'ing every mob in the area to make sure that they are on him.

    Yeah, yeah, you stood in the way of him shooting and spawned an aircraft on his head afterward. Big flippin' deal. It's called retribution! :coffee:

    I like the part where, without any investigation, people presume that Joda's video shows you harassing him first. lol
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. Hey - 6 months is cool :bandit:
  11. FatherJack

    FatherJack El Diablo

    They did you a favour with the ban
  12. Amber Knightley

    Amber Knightley I see dead people.

    It was hilarious during the event, sorry that you got hit by this :/ but you should've seen it coming ;) (also sounds like you're predicting it :D)

    Sure is a case of KS, if I could I'd do the same, it's an event after all, gotta protect your spawn!
    (and you know I tried to do this before, though not as successful so I had to try other tactics)
    BUT, what would NOT be ok is to do this without asking you to leave "his/her" spawn before initiating KS!! (although chat is covered so can't tell if he did)

    This is at least my view on all of this.
    • Hussked Hussked x 1
  13. There's another way to understand this message:
    1. You enter the spawn.
    2. Joda KS your mob.
    3. You harass him with the sleip.
    4. You go to forum and (quote:)"cause drama and attack another player"
    If u look at it this way, 4. comes after 3.
    In other words you: "attack another player [on the forum], after subjecting him to obvious provocation and harassment"
    When me and you hear a word "fight" our 1st thought is: "Where, on which planet?"
    Serica has been a mod on the forum for many years, her 1st thought is most likely: "Where, in which thread?" ... ;)

    Well, one thing is certain - I can't see inside Serica's head! It's possible I'm wrong and u're right.

    For the record, I don't see anything wrong with occasional killstealing (as long as it doesn't become systematic).
    I don't think there's anything wrong with little vehicle treatment either (as long as..)
    All in a good fun! ;)
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016
  14. I would bring another guy and team up to KS his mob as easy as that!
    Be his nightmare. Go look what he hunts, and go KS all the mobs he does with ur teaming...
    • Like Like x 1
    • Hussked Hussked x 1
  15. Thats what MA would prefer as well.
    Would also mean less drama on forum.
    Would also mean the better/stronger one wins.
  16. Yes, but the poor joda will then cry and make supportcase just so u know. SO maybe a ban will follow after he cries.
  17. nevermind3.jpg
    • Like Like x 1
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