Special Edition...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Faceof, Feb 6, 2016.

  1. Faceof is Dynamic...:headbang:
    Last edited: May 10, 2017
  2. Faceof is Dynamic...:headbang:
    Last edited: May 10, 2017
  3. Faceof is Dynamic...:headbang:
    Last edited: May 10, 2017
  4. Faceof is Dynamic...:headbang:
    Last edited: May 10, 2017
  5. Faceof is Dynamic...:headbang:
    Last edited: May 10, 2017
  6. I have that on vinyl ;-)

  7. Faceof is Dynamic...:headbang:
    Last edited: May 10, 2017
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Faceof is Dynamic...:headbang:
    Last edited: May 10, 2017
  9. Faceof is Dynamic...:shoot::gangnam:
    Faceof...:cool (2):
    Last edited: May 10, 2017
  10. FatherJack

    FatherJack El Diablo

    I have very eclectic music tastes but I can't seem to view Youtube links here. Not having Flash installed might have something to do with it...
  11. Faceof is Dynamic...:headbang:
    Faceof...:cool (2):
    Last edited: May 10, 2017
  12. San


    Great history? Deep Purple!

  13. Faceof is Dynamic...:headbang:
    Last edited: May 10, 2017
  14. Faceof is Dynamic...:headbang:
    Last edited: May 10, 2017
  15. I like this comment for this guys :
    It's like ACCEPT and AC/DC had a baby.

    ...all we have learn them from Runnin' Wild with Lemmy last videos...

    ...but this guys have more and more to hear and see!!!:cheer::clap::cheer:

    I'm still looking for this airline :geek:

    and many many more Hard Rock n Roll...:gangnam::whip:

    Faceof is Dynamic...:headbang:
  16. I like this comment for this guys : It's like ACCEPT and AC/DC had a baby.

    ...all we have learn them from Runnin' Wild with Lemmy last videos...

    ...but this guys have more and more to hear and see!!!:cheer::clap::cheer:

    I'm still looking for this airline :geek:

    and many many more Hard Rock n Roll...:gangnam::whip:

    Faceof is Dynamic...:headbang:
  17. I like this comment for this guys : It's like ACCEPT and AC/DC had a baby.

    ...all we have learn them from Runnin' Wild with Lemmy last videos...

    ...but this guys have more and more to hear and see!!!:cheer::clap::cheer:

    I'm still looking for this airline :geek:

    and many many more Hard Rock n Roll...:gangnam::whip:

    Faceof is Dynamic...:headbang:
  18. I like this comment for this guys : It's like ACCEPT and AC/DC had a baby.

    ...all we have learn them from Runnin' Wild with Lemmy last videos...

    ...but this guys have more and more to hear and see!!!:cheer::clap::cheer:

    I'm still looking for this airline :geek:

    and many many more Hard Rock n Roll...:gangnam::whip:

    Faceof is Dynamic...:headbang:
  19. sorry for this...i dont know what happens...:confused1:
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