Entropia Real Estate Auction Hello there! Thank you for your time in reading this post. I am launching a new service website for people to sell estates without using the ordinairy Auction. Eliminating the risk of selling your estate below MU and spending to much PED's on a start up fee. Besides that I'd like to get a buisness going to help newcommers earn some PEDs by advertisment. The Real Estate Auction basicly works like an ordinairy auction. Only you decide when it ends. For a small fee of 25PED's your advertisement will be placed for an unlimeted time. You can ask any price for your estate and the advertisement will never be removed unless your estate is sold. If someone is intrested in your estate they can contact you by the provided contact information. Allowed estates Every type of estate is legit for the auction. And for every deed you place the fee is always the same. You are able to sell any type of deed even a CLD. However you may only sell one CLD per advertisement. The prices for CLD's and AUD's have been changed. Placing an advertisment is no longer limited to one deed per advertisement and has been changed from 25PED to 6PED per deed up to 5 deeds. The price for placing 5 deeds is the regulair 25PED. Every aditional deed will be placed at the price of 3PED per deed. Once you placed an order for an advertisement. ERE will locate the estate. Collect information and make a screenshot to place it on the auction. (This only applies for Calypso estates.) You can ofcourse provide us with a screenshot and information from your off Calypso estate. In-Game advertising Advertising on the ERE website automaticly grands you free advertisement in-game by our real estate agents. All our agents will announce that your estate is for sale. Potential buyers will be led to the ERE auction. More information can be found on the webite: http://gameaccount.wix.com/entropiarealestate Old planet calypso forum post: http://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/forums/showthread.php?231829-Entropia-Real-Estate this forum is however not covering the attention I would like.
I can purchase you a proper domain name if you like and host it for a yeaar for a single yearly cost, it is a service I offer. Also I would like to list my shop for sale AND for rent. http://www.entropiaplanets.com/threads/rent-part-of-a-shop-in-the-monria-hub.18248/
Reserved availeble estates on the auction Treasure Island City Bronze Building, 17A Price: 700PED Sold! Estates availeble: Monria Hub Shop #2 Floor 1 Price: 35000 PED Atlas Haven West #3A Price: 7000 PED FOMA Shop #52 Price: 5000 PED
The prices for CLD's and AUD's have been changed. Placing an advertisment is no longer limited to one deed per advertisement and has been changed from 25PED to 6PED per deed up to 5 deeds. The price for placing 5 deeds is the regulair 25PED. Every aditional deed will be placed at the price of 3PED per deed.
uh, just be aware, according to Mindark any advertisement of urls in game that are not society websites is a violation of eula/tos, code of ethics, whatever, etc., and is potentially something that can get any avatar or avatars paying other avatars to do so banned permanently...